Road Trip (22)

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(Third Person POV)

Alan was going well over the speed limit. Not that it mattered, but he had never done it before. A new experience. It didn't phase him all that much with the current situation on his mind. All he needed to do right now is go. Get out of this horrible place with the friends that he had left. According to a map he had saved, he was a few days away from making it to the safe states. He should make it.

Silently, he looked over to the laptop in the passenger seat. Hopefully it was charged enough to make the trip. Having the sticks sit in complete darkness wasn't very ideal. He also made sure to buckle the computer securely so it didn't fly off if they hit something.

Driving out into open field, Alan laid back in his seat. It was so much easier to watch for infected when you were in an open field. It was nice being able to see the dusty sunset, even when the air still reeked of blood and guts. That sight made Alan feel more at ease.

That was until he regained focus and skidded to a stop at the sight of a deer. It limped out of his way, grunting in pain. Something had attacked its legs. It was an adult male deer, some blood covered its horns. Seemed like it had managed to hurt and escape its attacker. Slowly, Alan got out of the car and approached the animal, taking some bandages with him.

It was panicking at the sight of him, but it flopped on the ground, not wanting to walk any more.

"It's ok.." Alan softly reassured the deer. "I'm gonna help you." No doubt it had been attacked by an infected, but the bite mark didn't seem to be doing anything but causing pain. Maybe the virus can't infect animals?

Carefully, Alan bandaged up its hind legs, covering the multiple bleeding cuts. Once it was done, he quickly backed up and gave the deer its space. Realizing it could walk again, the deer jolted up and took a moment to look at Alan. It slowly approached him, lowering its head. To Alan's surprise, it let him pet it as a thank you. While the fur was very rough, it was comforting to pet something during a time like this.

Just as Alan pulled his hand away, the animal lifted its head in alert, twitching its ear. Immediately, it started to sprint off.

"Hey-" Alan soon enough realized why it was running. He could hear soft grunting and hissing from behind him. Grabbing the bandages, he ran back into the car and stepped on the gas. The deer was still running when he caught up with it. Alan looked in his rear-view mirror.

Oh, fast and flying zombies. Shit.

He placed his eyes back on the road in front of him. Seems like the deer had taken a sharp turn to escape. Good.

Alan felt something hit the car. Not good.

He was already going the fastest he could in this car and they were still after him. Reaching for his bag, he pulled out the handgun and loaded it. Thunks came from the top of his car. They were on the roof.

This was risky, but the road was straight for as far as he could see, being swallowed up by a forest only a few miles ahead. Rolling down his window, a hand almost immediately reached in and tried to grab him. He was quick to shoot it, grabbing the wrist and dragging it off his car. Alan left the infected in the dust, driving faster than it could recover. With one foot on the pedal, he leaned out the window and shot the other infected on his car. A bullet to the chest sent it flying off.

There were still more on him, clinging to the side of the car with their claws. Swinging them off wasn't gonna work, so he rolled down the windows on both sides of him and waited for them to get close enough to shoot.

The one on his side came almost instantly, and got taken down with ease. The one on the passenger side took a little longer to reach the window, but it didn't start reaching for him like he expected it to.

It reached for the laptop.

Processing this, Alan was quick on the draw. Not only did he get a headshot, he shot it several times.

"DIE, YOU FREAK!" He screamed as it flung off. He rolled up the passenger window, took off his jacket and covered the laptop with it.

'No. I'm not letting any more of my friends get hurt, or my kids.' His breathing was fast, filled with adrenaline. Alan was too focused on being pissed off to realize there was a fork in the road. Panicking, he swerved right, nearly tipping the car over. Another turn came up going deeper into the forest.

He could hear the sticks panicking, but he assumed it was just the shock from the sudden attack and turns.

"It's ok you guys! Everything is fine!" He reassured them, turning in his seat and sticking his head out the windows. Thankfully, the flying zombies weren't a problem anymore because of the trees. What was a problem was the fact that zombies who were in between the trees hearing the sound of the engine.

The gun in his hand was starting to become more of an acquaintance then he liked as he shot with more accuracy every time he used it. He was able to pick off the fast ones, and the slow infected simply got left behind.

Finally out of danger, Alan sighed and laid back in his seat, still pressing on the gas. The gas.

The car was almost out of gas, but thankfully, there was a town with a gas station nearby. Thank god.

He kept on going, not taking time to question what his sticks were doing. He'd comfort them when they stopped.


They dropped the rope.

Bubbles, Green, and Red panicked as the rope slipped through the portal and it closed. That was Blue and Second's only way back, and they dropped it. Alan was gonna be so mad when he stopped to check on them, they didn't even know what was going on outside when he covered the screen with his jacket.

"Shit.. shit.. what do we do?!" Green sat on the ground, trying not to fly around because of how much the computer was shaking.

"Uh, we draw another one?" Red stated like he was dumb.

"We can't draw! That's a Second and Alan thing!"

"It's literally just a long line, it's not hard to draw."

"I'm telling you we can't!"

"It's just a line!"

"Then try and draw it!"

"I will!"

Red stomped open a paint program and tried to draw a rope. It didn't work. The line was completely stiff.

"Not so easy, is it?!"

The two kept fighting.

"STOP! Both of you!" Bubbles pulled them both apart. "Let's just ask Mr. Becker to draw another one."

"He'll KILL us!"

"It's better to tell him and get in trouble then not telling him and risking your friends lives."

They were quiet at that. He would be mad either way.

It just depended on what happens first.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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