Finding Shelter (7)

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(Third Person POV)

Red had to explain why they had to evacuate while in the dark, curled up in a corner with the rest. The laptop was being shifted around a lot, like an earthquake.

"So it's actually real? Alan's in danger?" Second questioned with a quivering voice.

"Afraid so."

"I thought you were exaggerating.. or hallucinating.. but if Alan's in danger, all of us are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.." Yellow shook.

Blue was silently hyperventilating, and Green had one hand on his back, trying to comfort him, despite being scared himself.

"Where do you guys think Purple and King are..?" Red looked up.

"Not anywhere good.. that's for sure.." Green said, then held his friend's hands as the laptop started to rumble again. This time though, it stopped shortly as someone opened up the laptop and logged in. Everyone was relieved to see Alan looking at them, even if he was a little roughed up.

"ALAN!" Second practically screamed. "ALAN YOU'RE OK!!"

"Yes, yes I am. No need to yell."

"Yeah, but Second did not expect you to last at least 5 seconds out there." Green added. Second lightly shoved him.

"Jeez, have some faith in me, Sec." Alan chuckled.

DJ looked over to Alan, confused.

"Why are you talking to your laptop?"

"I'm talking to.. oh right. I never told you my sticks were real, huh?"


Alan turned the laptop towards him. All the sticks waved at him.

"So I'm assuming DJ picked you up?" Second smiled.

"Yes.. and admittedly saved me."

DJ blinked a few times, just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Alan. They're been real this whole time, and you NEVER told me?!"

"Yup, sorry, but I would like for them to stay private, or something might happen to them. I had to take them with me, there's apparently an outbreak in their world too."

"Sheesh, looks like we're all in the same boat then huh?"

"Yeah, it was horrifying.." Red shivered.

DJ put his eyes back on the empty road. "This whole thing is. I've been traveling and setting up camp in a few different places in states to rest. I'm trying to make my way to the safe states and trying to get out of the fallen states. But of course now that I get here the state falls. We'll have to prepare before we try to speed to the safe and sheltered places. There's currently a border protecting the western states keeping the zombies out. The military is struggling though. I think they'll start having to draft people or ask other countries for help. If we get there, I just hope that they'll let us through. Do you know any place where we could set up camp?"

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