In The Skies (21)

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(Third Person POV)

Second and Blue had their plan set out, and it was a perfect time to go since Alan was on the road. It was hard to convince the others to let them go, but they assured them that they would be careful. Gathering their weapons and supplies, Blue opened a hotspot on his phone, connecting it to the computer. He trusted Green to hold onto it. Bubbles and Red were in charge of the rope.

It was easy to sneak out without Alan seeing. Sliding down the rope, the two waded their way to the shore and safely made it to the city.

"So where should we go?" Second kept his voice low.

"Preferably the highest building we can find. We place the bait, fend off any other zombies, and capture him when he arrives... if he gets here in the span of 2 hours."

Second nodded and pointed to a pretty tall building. In silence, they snuck around the city until they got through the front doors of the building.

The only thing bad about this building was the fact that it was completely infested. Webs were everywhere, there was fresh blood on the floor, and the worst part was the fact that Blue had meat on him for the bait. Almost instantly, zombies started to bang on the doors in the lobby, crawl down from the ceiling, and attract the attention of infecteds outside.

"Shit.." Second cocked his gun and started shooting. "What now?!"

"The stairwell!" Blue slashed through a few infected and started for the door. Swinging it open, he motioned for Second to follow him. Nodding, Second ran after him as they both made it into the stairwell, slamming the metal door and blocking it off with a nearby crate. Thankfully, the stairwell wasn't infested.

Climbing all the way to the top of the stairs took at least half an hour. Despite that, they made it, albeit out of breath. They took a moment at the top to catch their breaths.

"Phew.. ready?" Blue looked over.

"..yeah. Ready."

Second held the door open as Blue ran out and placed the bait, running back in to hide with Second. Already, a few zombies tried to climb and fly their way up to it. Second quickly peeked out and shot them down. This continued until eventually saw something small and fast flying to them from a distance, flames boosting their speed uncontrollably.

"He's coming!" Second ran back inside with Blue, who was getting some drugs ready to knock him out.

In a few seconds, Chosen crashed face first into the roof, quickly stumbling up and hungrily running towards the food, almost immediately tearing into it like an animal. It made their stomachs twist a bit, but they had to progress either way. Slowly, Second came out of hiding and crept over to Chosen, getting ready to hold him down. Once he was far enough, Blue followed.

Carefully, Second grabbed his neck and slammed him into the ground, holding him down. Chosen screeched and squirmed, trying to get out of Second's grasp. Blue had almost made it over to the both of them when Chosen suddenly shot lasers at Second, which knocked him back. Drooling, Chosen jumped onto Second, trying to maul him. Second tried to push him off by the arms, but Chosen was clearly stronger.

Opening his jaws, Chosen made a sudden turn and bit down onto Second's arm. He screamed. Chosen gnawed deeper into it, nearly ripping it off. Thankfully, while he was distracted, Blue stuck the needle into Chosen's neck and injected the sedative. Chosen went down within a few seconds, flopping onto his side.

"Ow.. ow ow ow ow..." Second held his arm.

"Did he get you?"

"Mhm.. agh... but can't you cure it now..?"

"I don't know if you could make it long enough for me to make two cures. If you turn into a zombie while on the computer, you'll infect not only all of us but the computer as well, which puts Alan in danger."

"I.. well.. what do we do?"

Blue thought for a moment. Sighing, he pulled out the knife he'd brought. "If you want to live.. you're gonna have to lose an arm."

"WHAT?! I need both arms for drawing! I can't just-"

"It's lose a limb or die, Sec. It's already loose, it won't take long."

Second looked between his arm and Blue, panicking. Shaking, Second very quickly spat out, "Do it." and shut his eyes.

"It's gonna be ok." Blue pressed the arm down, and with one more deep breath, he started to saw it off. Second started to sob, pressing his mouth together and trying not to make a noise. Each movement was torture, the burning pain spreading so fast that Second got dizzy. With one more quick motion, it was off.

Sighing with relief, Blue threw the disfigured arm off the side of the building, which attracted a lot of infecteds really fast. Quickly, Blue turned back to Second and started to bandage his now amputated arm.

"It's ok Sec.. we're done now. We need to keep going." Blue helped Second to his feet. The whole experience left him shaking, but he understood they needed to move.

Letting go of him, Blue ran and picked up Chosen. "Do you think you'll be able to carry him with one arm?"

Second looked at his one arm and now upper shoulder and simply nodded. Blue tossed the passed out zombie over, which Second caught. "Alright, follow close behind me."


After removing all the other glass jars from Dark's previous lab, they locked Chosen in the cellar for safekeeping. Thankfully, he only woke up after they locked him up. They could hear screeching and fire on the other side. Despite all that, the door still held.

"So.. how long will the cure take to make?"

"In truth, I dunno. The last one took pretty long, and I need to get to work on a real cure along with it. I'd say it'll be a while."

Sighing, Second looked at where his arm used to be. It felt so abnormal. " you think Alan will be mad about this?"

"Pfft, yeah. But the focus right now should be that we made progress! And now that we have, we can head back."

Hesitantly, Second agreed. Walking through the broken home, they exited through the front door.

The rope had completely fallen into the water, and the way home was closed.

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