Survival (8)

190 7 6

(Third Person POV)

As the five crashed into the ocean, they bobbed their heads up above the water and scanned the land. The sky was a dusty light red. There were minimal zombies wandering around the shore, but there would most likely be more in the city. Thankfully, they hadn't noticed the five alive sticks in the ocean.

"Ew.. they're more disturbing when you actually see them." Blue held back a gag.

"Mutations, and they're all spider or bug-like.. intriguing." Yellow silently commented.

"Yeah. We'll have to swim underwater and attack when we're close enough. Maybe guns weren't the best idea, they're really loud." Second had a second thought.

"Well, too late now, let's go."

The five dove under and started to swim to the shore, gently landing on the sand just below the water. Being the first one to get out, Green aimed and fired at the two zombies on the shore. The others followed him and fired at the ones on the top of the cliff. Once it was mostly clear, they climbed the cliff and reached the top, which attracted more attention.

"Make your way through the forest and run with the group. Don't shoot unless necessary!" Second yelled out and started running, the others followed.

Every now and again, a shot rang out when an infected drew too close to the group. Eventually, they entered  the city. Once they were in, they made a U-turn for an empty building and leaped inside, shutting the door behind them. They all laid on the floor for a moment before Second sat up and spoke.

"Is everyone ok? Anyone get injured or bitten?"

Each one of them sat up and looked at themselves, and then at each other.

"I think we're all good." Blue stood up, helping Red to stand as well.

As tired as all their legs were, they continued on. None of them made a sound as they walked up the stairs of the building they had scurried into. When they made it to the roof, they looked out over the rooftops. Lots of buildings seemed to be infested with the same light red webs that they saw earlier. A few remnants of those webs were even scattered across the building they were on. Other than that, a lot of buildings were broken and cracked. Broken windows, bits and pieces of debris covered anywhere you looked.

"Do you guys see any possible food sources..?" Second looked back to the others who were also looking around. 

"Might be a few abandoned stores around town central. We should look there." Blue pointed to the center.

"Alright. Let's head back down, be as quiet as you can."


Coming upon the central, the sidewalks were littered with all types of zombies. Some were missing arms or legs. Others had either grown insect-like legs in their place, or had just gained extra. Others had lost entire halves of their bodies. Some had wings, some crawled. Nonetheless, it was a disturbing sight.

They all groaned and mumbled as they aimlessly wandered around, trying to pick up any scent of fresh food. The group hid around the corner in an alleyway.

Blue held his nose, trying to block the stench of rotting flesh. "There's so many..!" He whispered.

"There is, but I'm starving, so we have to figure out a way to get into some of these shops." Green whispered back, holding his stomach.

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