Left Behind (10)

182 6 17

(Third Person POV)

Yellow took a breath and started to shoot again. At least his friends were going to be safe. He couldn't quite say the same for himself. The glass finally shattered and the zombies poured in. He screamed and shot rapidly, but as soon as his gun was empty, he made a run for the kitchen, stepping over the body that had previously been in the pantry.

He took a breath and analyzed the situation.

'Ok.. I'm in a restaurant, in a closed off kitchen with no exit and surrounded by zombies.'

He couldn't think of any ideas. The only available weapon was knives, but those were close range and would get him killed for sure. He couldn't think of anything.. but then sparked up an idea as he looked at a fire extinguisher encased in the corner.

Quickly, he looked around some more. Old pans with old oil still in them were sitting in the sink. Perfect. Grabbing two pans, he ran for the door where the zombies were closing in and spilled it on them. Running back and turning on the burner to the maximum level, letting it admit a large flame. He lifted the oil covered pans over it, letting them catch fire. Once they were ignited, he threw one of the pans at the infecteds that had broken into the kitchen. A huge burst of flames engulfed them as they screeched in pain, still trying to reach for him. He backed up as the fire started to burn his surroundings. The fire alarm went off and blared loudly in his ears.

The fire roared at him, burning his skin as he backed away and dropped the other pan. He realized as the groans from the zombies died down that he was stuck in a burning room without another exit. He looked back at the fire extinguisher and started to run for it when a wooden beam fell down from the ceiling and barred the way. Panicking, he ran around, trying to find something, anything to help him. The smoke started to get to his lungs. He coughed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a vent that led to the dining area. Holding his breath, he leapt for it and tore the cover off, starting to crawl through. Once he was there, he looked out to see if there were any more zombies coming through. The fire had apparently warded them off. Coughing more, he struggled to stand and run for the door. He leapt through the broken window, scarring himself as he landed on the cold, hard ground outside. A BOOM came from the burning building as it completely engulfed itself in flames, crumbling in on itself.

He coughed more as he stumbled upwards, hurting all over. Yellow started to run somewhere, anywhere that wasn't near the fire and smoke. He didn't even know if it was the same directions his friends went or not, nor did he even care at that point. Running, and running.

Eventually, on an empty street, he completely collapsed. His body was so tired and hurt. It skidded as he hit the road. He'd take deep breaths, letting the clean air enter his lungs. But at that moment, he heard footsteps in front of and behind him. Looking in front of himself weakly, he saw a small group of infecteds quickly stumbling at him. He wouldn't try to stand or run again, rather, he laid back down and accepted what would happen to him.

The footsteps behind him started to approach faster than the one in front of him. He listened to their rapid beating along with the beating of his heart, thumping out of his chest. He inhaled one more time and closed his as whatever was behind him picked him up.

He passed out, going numb. His last, comforting thought was that at least his friends were alive.

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