An Escape? (18)

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(???'s POV)

"He looks to share powers with his friend."

I groaned. That blue asshole has been testing me for.. what? 2 hours. It sucks. This sucks.


He looked at me before writing more things down on his stupid notepad. I just flop onto the ground and roll. This is so incredibly boring..

"I think that's enough, Doctor." Someone else entered the room. They didn't seem very interesting.. until I saw their head. A hollowhead like me.. but it's one I've never seen before. I thought it could be him, or Second, but I was wrong.

They walked over and knelt down.

"Well you're interesting, aren't you?" I sat up, examining him more.

"You seem too calm for someone who is supposed to be dead."

"Blah blah blah... pffbbt. I was never supposed to die. People just didn't like my ideas." I had to smile, half joking.

Off the bat, I can tell this guy doesn't like me.

"Your 'ideas' have killed thousands."

"Um, yeah? That's what they're SUPPOSED to do!" I had to laugh.

"You're absolutely.."



"Tomato, toh-mah-to!"

"Someone shut him up."

I could feel myself getting shocked. I coughed up blood. They treat me like some kinda dangerous animal. It's ridiculous.

"The point is, you've been brought here to work for us, because I've looked upon your.. endeavors and seen your capabilities. You will be cared for but under heavy surveillance."

"Hm.. it's gonna be a big ol' NO from me, mister, although I do admit your tech is pretty neat."

"And who ever said you had a choice?"

"Me, dingus."

"That is not how this wo-"

"Really? I think it is."

I smashed my hands against the hard floor, breaking my cuffs. To be fair, I could've done this way earlier, but I wanted to see if this actually led into anything. The doors into the room immediately closed. I had to roll my eyes before busting through the glass they were keeping me in. Thankfully, breaking those cuffs brought all my strength back. The glass wasn't too dense with it.

Multiple soldiers pointed their guns at me. Making a quick blast through the ceiling, I flew upwards. I saw them shoot a lot of things at me, but I quickly blasted off. Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked at my surroundings. I was.. back in Stick City.. but worse? It looks like the same place, but everything is broken down. It looks the same for the places around it.

A ruined, abandoned city which is also on fire in some places. Looks like someone had fun without me. How rude.

I lowered myself down to the ground and started walking down the cracked sidewalk. I have to wonder why those Rocket guys aren't chasing me down. Seems like something they would do.

It was oddly quiet here. The air smelled metallic and of dread.

An interesting event for sure.

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