Bite the Dust (19)

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(Third Person POV)

Another week passed. Time felt so slow now.

Alan and DJ had planned to start trying to leave the town soon and make their way towards safer states. DJ felt guilty, he definitely wouldn't be able to go. The infection had very well spread through his whole body by now. His whole arm looked ugly. Bright red glowing veins. The burning felt 3rd degree. He definitely wasn't going to make it more months, even if he were to lie still and awake the entire time.

He didn't even know how he would tell him. It just would have to happen at some point.

Maybe he could just run away and hide until it happened.

"Hey, DJ?"

DJ, still laying in bed, completely still, tilted his head over to Alan.

"I'm heading out to a nearby grocery store to scavenge for food, since we'll be driving off soon. I know you aren't feeling too well, so you don't have to come with me. I just wanted to ask if you wanted me to look for anything specific. Medicine.. warm food.. anything."

DJ grumbled and sat up. His head pounded.

No. He couldn't take death lying down.

One last trip. One more.

"Agh.. nah. I'll come with you."

He got up from bed, but his legs barely had enough weight to support his body. He tumbled to the side and leaned against the wall, regaining his balance.

"Woah, are you sure?"

DJ smiled. "Of course. I mean, I don't wanna be a leech." He half joked.

"Ah-! Don't say that! If you're feeling bad, stay here."

"Heh.. cmon man. I'll be fine." He coughed.

One more trip.

"..well. If you say so."


Pulling into the parking lot, the two got out of the car and started quietly walking towards the front doors. The area was silent. Neither could hear any danger, so they assumed nothing would chase after them.

Walking inside, the two looked around. It was still relatively cold, and the electricity was still working, so the products were probably still fresh.

They agreed on a route. DJ would get a large cooler, fill it with ice, and start getting perishables from the fridges and other cold places, along with salt. Alan would handle the drinks and dry foods with longer shelf lives. They started to rush towards the aisles, their goals in mind.

Pulling a large, plastic cooler off the shelves, DJ pulled off the tag and extended the handle to roll it across the store floor. Making it to the front, he threw open the freezer with bags of ice. He cut them open before dumping the small cubes into the cooler.

His arm started to burn to the point where it began to shake. Breathing heavy, DJ grabbed another ice bag and put it up to the mark. It didn't do too much. He was getting drowsy again, and his vision was getting blurry. The infection had clearly already spread to his head. Shaking his whole body, DJ pinched himself and refocused. If he were to turn now, Alan would have to deal with him. He had to hurry before anything else happened.

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