A Broken Land (5)

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(Third Person POV)

It had been at least two weeks since Chosen died. Most of everyone had moved on, except for one person, Alan. For some reason, he just seemed to keep on thinking about the event with a heavy yet confused heart. He didn't know what exactly to feel about it all.

Second could clearly see it in his expressions too, he really couldn't stop thinking about it. He tried talking to him as much as he could even if it only helped a little.

Laying down on their couch, Second lounged back and relaxed. He was about to close his eyes before he got a notification on his phone. Picking it up, he clicked on the notification and read what it was about.

"News: New Deadly Computer Virus Infects More Than Computers!

Just last week, a new computer virus was discovered that can not only infect computers, but also TVs, electrical systems, gaming systems, and more. It's said to completely destroy anything it infects. However, the only way this virus can spread is through the Internet and seemingly WiFi. Tech professionals in the US recommend people to start cutting off WiFi connections until further notice. This includes on phones, TVs, and computers."

'Hm, I should probably tell Alan about this.'

Second stretched and stood up. Consequently, Alan happened to just walk in and sit down in front of the computer. With no time wasted, he jumped over and opened the animation program.


"hey." Alan typed back.

"Did you hear the news that just came out?"

"yup. thats why I came in here. can you get everyone else out of stick fights so i can disconnect my computer?"


Picking up his pace, Second ran and opened the internet browser, leaping into their home and finding where everyone else was.

"Hey guys, pack your stuff!"

"What, why?" Blue asked.

"Didn't you guys get the news?"


"Well, just do it!"

Luckily, they didn't ask any more questions and started to pack, bringing essentials and entertainment.

Once everyone was out, Alan quickly clicked and disconnected from the internet. Of course, he'd done the same with his phone.

"you all should do the same with your phones and laptops too"

"But why?" Yellow tilted his head.

"Because there's a new computer virus going around, and it infects more than just computers. Anything that connects to WiFi can be infected. It's apparently spreading super fast and it is pretty lethal." Second quickly explained.

"Oof.. so bad news.." Blue looked around.


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