A Dark Lab (14)

176 6 14

(???'s POV)

I woke up. For the first time in what felt like forever, I woke up.

It was dark in the room, I couldn't see barely anything. I could only feel the cold glass under me. I shivered. One of the only things I could hear was the sounds of ratty fans clanging against metal as they spun, trying to get air into the room. From the little things I saw, there were glowing monitors. What I could hear, just barely above the fan, was voices. They seemed to be approaching the room I was in.

I backed up a little and squinted my eyes as the door opened, letting light into the room. Two tall sticks.. one with sunglasses and the other looked a little messy. They flipped the lights on.

"Ow.. my eyes.." I squinted more.

"Subject is awake." One of them said before whispering to the other. I could see things much more clearly now. I'm in a glass tube in a lab. I recognize most of the machines, and I notice I'm hooked up to something myself.

"What's their name?"

"Dunno. Boss just called him.. 'the guy.. you know, that guy.'"

The other snickered in response.

"Uh, hello?" I knocked on the glass. They both looked at me.

"Are they talking, Matrix? I can't tell.."

The stick with glasses name appears to be Matrix. I also appear to be in soundproof glass.

"Can't tell. Hey, you! Are you talking?"

I cross my arms and nod my head. This place sucks already.

"Thought so." They approached me as I stood up, only being tugged a little by a wire that was hooked up to me.

Matrix put her hand on the glass. "Look, the only thing we're here to do is guard you until the boss is ready to talk to you. Dunno if you know who you are or why you're here, but we're gonna need you to remember."

..do they think I'm stupid? Of course I know who I am.

I want to punch them but I can feel that the glass is too dense to do anything to it.

I sit back down and kick at the backs of their knees since they leaned up against the glass.

They stumble.

I laugh.

This is gonna be a long day, isn't it?

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