Dead of Night (11)

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(Third Person POV)

The sticks climbed through the rope and back onto the computer, pulling the rope back in and disconnecting. Alan's first question when they returned was 'Guys, where's Yellow?', but the grim looks on their faces and their tears already said it for him. He was most likely dead.

He dragged his mouse over to the group, slightly nudging it against Second. He wrapped his arms around it and squeezed. The other three joined him. Even if he wasn't there to really hug them, he knew how they felt. Thankfully, they had gotten enough to eat for a while. Once they had a fridge drawn, they stored everything in it and settled down. Second was snuggled with Green, while Blue and Red laid separate from each other.

Turning the brightness down on his laptop, he left them to sleep. He looked out the window. It was already night for him too.

Standing up and going to sit on a bed, he looked around. DJ was sitting in another chair, wide awake and holding his weapon, which was a thin but dense metal stick of some sort. It was stained with dried blood on both ends. DJ noticed and looked back at him.

"You headin' to bed?"

"Well yeah, aren't you?"

He shook his head.

"I'm staying up. Making sure nothing gets in." He looked back out the window, uncomfortably fidgeting with the rod a little.

"You should sleep, though. Being tired in the middle of an apocalypse will come back to bite you, maybe literally. Besides, we have the door blocked and we can just put the curtains over the windows so nothing can see us."

"Well.." DJ stuttered a little. "I guess I'm just.. paranoid, and a bit scared."

"You think I'm not?" Alan gave a somber smile as DJ turned back around to look at him. "I just found out about this today, I tripped over myself trying to get out of my own house as soon as that alert came up. Hell, I was dead asleep this morning and still had no idea about it. It all happened so fast. I understand what you're feeling, and it's completely fair. I'm scared as hell. But the least we can do is have a little faith that we're gonna be ok. Because we will. Yeah?"

DJ couldn't help but smile. "..Alan, that was the cheesiest thing I've heard you say today. But, yeah, I guess."

Leaning his rod up against his own bed, DJ hesitantly laid down, but constantly looked around.

Eventually, everyone was passed out, tired from the danger.

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