Seperated (9)

166 8 14

(Third Person POV)

Looking back at the kitchen door, they had to think fast. Green wielded both of his guns and aimed them at the door. As soon as the zombie found them and started to crawl at them, he fired twice. One was a headshot, the other missed. When it started to get up, he shot again to make sure it stayed down.

"Are there any other exits? I don't think the glass will hold them for much longer.." Blue shivered and jumped as an arm punched through, reaching and trying to grab at them.

Second looked around. "Up there!" He pointed to the vents far up on the wall. It was big enough to fit them. "Come on!" He ran over with the rest in tow.

One by one, the sticks boosted each other up as they crawled in. The last stick left in the dining area was Yellow. Green stuck out a hand to him.

"Faster, Yellow!"

Yellow tried to reach his hand, but he couldn't reach, no matter how hard they tried.

"Cmon, just reach!"

The glass broke more as more infecteds started to reach inside. Yellow, grabbing his gun and taking a deep breath, walked away.

"YELLOW, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET OVER HERE!" Green practically shouted over all the noise.

"It's obvious I can't make it up there, so go without me, I'll find another way out!" Yellow aimed and shot at where the glass was already broken, taking out a few.

"We are NOT leaving without you!" Green shouted again. This caught the other's attention and caused them to look behind them.

"Well I'd rather have a greater chance at dying than a much greater chance of us ALL dying! Go! I'll catch up with you guys at the cliff! Just trust me!"

Green paused, then took a deep breath. "Ok, I trust you, but if you die, I'm sorry."

Yellow would just nod as Green turned around and rushed the others to go.


The vents were cramped the more they crawled through them, but thankfully, they found a stop and pushed out the metal sheet, making it to the roof. Anxious, Green ran to the edge and looked out over the front of the building. There were so many now. His heart beat as he heard shots ring out.

"Yellow.." He muttered to himself.

The others had questions, but Second would grab his shoulder. Yet, they all shuttered when the shots stopped and they heard a short scream.

"We need to leave." Second pulled Green to his feet and hurried the others to jump to another building, and climbed down the ladder on the back. They ran back towards the forest. Unfortunately, infecteds around them caught the scent of the fresh meat in Green's bag, and Second's open and bleeding scar on his back. Snarling greedily, they started to chase them.

"We've got some on our tail!" Red yelled to the others, looking backwards.

"Just keep going!" Second shouted between breaths, and shot a zombie who lunged for him.

They started to lose the infecteds as soon as they reached the forest. Many of them slammed themselves into the trees, not having much mental thought to dodge them. When the area behind them was clear, they slowed down and stopped, catching their breaths and taking a moment to rest.

Green sat his back against a tree and buried his face in his hands, trying to keep tears from seeping out. 'I shouldn't have left.. I shouldn't..'

"Green, what happened back there..?" Red walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently rubbing it, trying to comfort him.

"I.. Yellow couldn't reach my hand to get into the vent.. *sniff* so.. so he asked me to leave him behind so I did but.." He took a breath. "..I shouldn't have.. we all heard that scream. That was h-him.." He broke out into sobs.

Second walked over and hugged him, Green hesitantly hugged back. "Shh.. shh.. It's okay Green.." The others joined, letting some of their own tears fall.

After a long while, they let go. Second pulled out his phone.

"I'm gonna call Alan, when I hang up, we'll head for the rope."

They all nodded.


They couldn't say anything more.

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