Discovering More (13)

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(Third Person POV)

The next morning, Blue was up early. There was something he wanted to know. Grabbing a pen from the drawing program, he started to take notes. He wanted to figure out how this disease worked, so maybe a cure could be found. Of course, it was going to be substantially harder without Yellow around, but Blue wanted to at least get a start at studying. He made small drawings of the types of zombies they saw while out the other day. He made notes of the types of mutations. Some less graphic, some a lot more graphic. He also considered the possibility of this illness being able to infect creatures other than stick figures on different sites. If that was true, then how different does it act?

But most importantly, where did it come from?

He knew the first stick he saw infected was Chosen. But this didn't seem like an ordinary sickness. It felt like someone made it specifically to infect and spread like a virus. More specifically, it felt like sticks were its primary target. Most likely why Chosen got infected first. What was more interesting was the virus being able to override Chosen's protective code. In humans, coded translates to DNA, so it was also made to target humans.

What also puzzled Blue was how this virus even got into the real world in the first place. How did it translate over? He knew it could infect physical computers, but humans were nowhere close to computers.

It hurt his head to think about, but he kept on taking notes on the phenomenon. Making leads and trying to connect the pieces, but he knew he was missing several of them.

It took him at least an hour to get his thoughts in order and get it all down on paper.

"Hey.. Blue?" A tired voice sounded from behind him. It was Green.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm studying."

"Oh.." Green looked up at his notes. "That's.. a lot."

"It's my thoughts.. but more organized."

Ironically, they were an absolute mess. It could more easily be classified as organized chaos.

"I have an idea of what this thing is, but I need an actual look at it to make sure I'm right."

"How would you do that?"

"Well, we would need to grab a zombie so I can inspect them up close."

"..there's no way that's happening. We're not bringing a live zombie in here."

"If we do, we could get closer to a cure, or maybe something to at least counter the spread of infection through the body."

"True.." Green had a thought about Yellow, but pushed it to the back of his mind.

"What's happening?" Second climbed up beside Green.

"Blue's doing research.. and wants to experiment on live zombies."


"Only if it's possible." Blue interjected. "I want a better read on these things."

Second looked over Blue's notes and nodded. "We might be able to, actually."

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