Chapter four

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The shores of Deira appeared on the horizon. Amaya went aboard to take a look at the place that was to become her new prison. The towers of the city rose in the distance. The white facades of the buildings almost shone in the morning sun. The blue roofs copied the color of the sky. Large sailing ships were moored in the harbor. Red flags fluttered in the wind. Birdsong carried through the air. The sun was pleasantly warm. The sun's rays sparkled on the turquoise surface of the sea. She had never seen such crystal water in her life. She was surprised at how fascinated she was by the sight.

"Welcome to Miramor, the capital of the kingdom of Deira," Prince Ciaran told her.

Amaya didn't say anything, she just continued to admire the beauty.

"Don't forget that he is the enemy," reminded Zariah to Amaya when the prince left to give orders to his soldiers.

"Don't forget that this is a hostile land where they will be more than happy to burn us as witches," Amaya told her. "It will be an advantage to have friends like him here."

They disembarked. They passed through the harbor and the fish market into the streets of the city. It was unlike anything she had seen up north. They walked along the cobbled streets of the city. The air was filled with the scent of roses and jasmine and many other flowers she did not recognize. Sweet music flowed through the country. People danced to its intoxicating melody. Amaya had no idea where to look first. Everything appealed to her senses.

"Do you like what you see?" Ciaran asked her as he caught her looking at the city.

Amaya came to her senses and stopped staring at everything. "It's definitely different than in Amorite," she replied diplomatically, not showing any fascination.

The news that the prince had returned spread quickly. Crowds stood in front of the palace gates to welcome him home. Some shouted joyful words of welcome, reaching out their hands to the prince, trying to touch him, and others shouted insults at the witch at his side. She was not tied down and got her own horse. The royal guards had to help them fight their way through.

They were ushered into the throne room where the King of Deira was waiting for them with Crown Prince Enzo at his side. The soldiers bowed. Prince Ciaran fell to his knees before his king. But Amaya remained standing.

"I would have expected someone who is to become queen to know to bow before the king," King Mael said irritably, directing his words to Amaya.

"You are not my king," Amaya told him. "I have not bowed before the gods and I certainly will not bow before you."

The king waved at the soldier with a fleeting gesture of his hand. He grabbed Amaya and dropped her to her knees, at the king's feet. The prince stepped forward because he didn't like how she was being treated, but the guards stopped him. The king gave his son a warning look. The crown prince smiled wickedly.

The king extended his hand to Amaya for her to kiss as a sign of respect. Amaya gave him a murderous look and did as she should.

But he shouldn't have done that, because one touch was enough to give her access to his mind.

Amaya's eyes went white as she delved into the bowels of his mind. She searched his past. She was looking for his secrets. She was turning his memories against him. It was only a split of a second, but it was enough to open old wounds.

The king violently pushed her away from him. Horror and fear flashed in his eyes.

"You have disobeyed my order and still dare to bring that witch here?" the king turned his attention to his son.

But before Prince Ciaran could say anything, Amaya spoke first.

"I suppose you're afraid of your own past, your majesty?" Amaya said. "You hate your son because his mother died in childbirth. You blame him for her death, but you don't realize that it was you who did it to her."

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