Chapter thirty two

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After a few days, Prince Ciaran recovered from the weak poison that had been put into his wine. He immediately knew who was responsible. And he was angry. He was furious.

"Amaya!" he shouted, his voice was carried through the entire palace.

"Amaya!" he searched for her.

He found her on the terrace drinking tea. She basked in the afternoon sun. She didn't seem bothered by the prince's anger.

"Amaya." Ciaran glared at her.

"Ciaran." she gave him an indifferent look. "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your voice down."

"What did you do to me?" he asked irritated.

"You insisted on going to fight Arawn, so I had to make sure that won't happen," she replied.

Ciaran grabbed her by the neck. The cup of tea slipped from her hands. It broke when it hit the ground. It startled the guards. They took a step towards them to prevent him from doing something stupid. However, it did not faze Amaya at all. She seemed used to it.

"You had no right to do that," Ciaran told her.

Amaya pressed the blade of her dagger against his side. She had a cold expression on her face.

"Touch me like that again, Ciaran, and I swear I'll be the one to throw your corpse before the Keres," she told him.

Ciaran backed away from her. Anger flashed from his eyes. "How did you do that?" he asked her. "I was watching out for you."

"Probably not enough," Amaya replied.

General Marcellus approached them. "She didn't do it herself," he spoke.

Ciaran laughed. "So you were helping her." he couldn't believe it. "I thought you hate her."

"She's trying to save you," Marcellus said. "I'll always help her with that."

"Your plan is officially falling apart," said Ciaran. "Tell the soldiers to leave as soon as possible, Marcellus."

"General Marcellus, I am afraid that Prince Ciaran is not well. Lock him somewhere he won't be able to escape." Amaya said.

"Of course, princess," said General Marcellus.

"You won't do it," said Ciaran.

"It's for your own good," Amaya said.

The guards obeyed the order. If it meant they could save his life, then they obeyed the order Amaya and General Marcellus gave them. Their loyalty and devotion were so strong that they imprisoned him to protect him.

"I preferred it when you hated each other," Ciaran said from behind the dungeon bars.

"If you had listened to me, these measures wouldn't be needed, Ciaran," Amaya told him.

"You'd do it anyway because you like it, don't you, little goddess?" Ciaran told her.

"How long will he have to stay locked up here?" General Marcellus asked her.

"Until I make sure that Fate no longer has power over him," she answered.

"You kept telling yourself that fate can't be changed and now you want to do it?" said Ciaran.

"It is possible to avoid your fate. I've done it once before." Amaya said. "That's why the gods don't really like me."

"How is that possible?" asked the general.

"Simple. It's basically a barter. A life for a life." she said.

"What?" Ciaran was horrified. "Let go of me now, Amaya!"

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