Chapter nine

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Something tickled Amaya on her foot. She was a little awakened, but quickly got over it. She quickly fell asleep again. However, it suddenly returned. Something tickled her gently. She opened her eyes wide. She was fully conscious. She felt something crawling up her leg. It tickled. She froze. She had no idea what it was. What the hell is this, she asked herself. She heard a soft hiss.

She carefully pulled back the blanket. Her heart stopped for a moment when her eyes saw what was crawling on her leg. A snake was wrapped around her leg. It looked at her with his little eyes. It tasted her skin with his vibrating tongue. Amaya forgot to breathe when she saw the creature. She didn't like snakes.

"Ciaran!" Amaya called out.

Amaya tried not to move. Any wrong move could provoke it. She held her breath. Silently begged her heart to stop screaming. It was so sudden and strong. She felt every beat in her whole body.

"Ciaran!" she called to him, but he didn't hear. It was night. He slept. A thick wall separated their rooms.

"Ciaran!" she squealed again, her voice failing halfway through his name.

The snake crawled up her leg higher and higher. It hissed. Amaya tensed and his hiss was incredibly loud. The tip of his tail tickled her skin.

"Hello, little cute snake. I don't deserve your anger. I know I'm not the best person, but  don't bite me." Amaya tried to comfort him.

"Just go away," she begged him.

"Please, be a good boy or girl, I don't know what you are, and find something else to entertain yourself with."

"Ciaran!" Amaya screamed, and that was the moment she felt sharp teeth bite into her thigh.

She felt a sharp pain. Through her veins as if a fire had spread. It was burning her from the inside. She was burning. Her body convulsed. She felt as if an invisible force was breaking her over and over. Every cell in her body was breaking down. She was suffocating. She started coughing. She was coughing up blood.

She crawled out of bed and went to see Ciaran. Her legs buckled. She barely kept her balance. She managed to get to the door. Leaned against them. She tried to feel the doorknob. Her vision was blurring. She cried bloody tears. She wiped them off but only smeared them. A trickle of blood began to flow from her nose. Her lips were bloody.

She walked along the wall the whole time. She struggled to stay on her feet. She was weak. Poison was running through her veins to her whole body. She made it to Ciaran's door, but she was running out of time.

"Ciaran." She said his name in a weak voice and collapsed to the ground.

She died.

Death found her again and again.

Prince Ciaran thought he heard Amaya calling his name. He was only dreaming, he convinced himself. She was getting under his skin more than he expected. It wasn't planned. But it could have been useful for the plan.

However, he heard strange noises from her room. It wasn't a dream. He wasn't dreaming. Something was happening.

He immediately jumped out of bed and walked to the door to her chambers. He found her lying in the hallway between their bedrooms. Her face was covered in blood.

He fell to the ground next to her. He took her in his arms. Brushed her hair away from her face. She was cold. She had a blank look on her face. Her eyes were empty, lifeless. He shook her.

"Amaya! Amaya, come wake up!" he called her, but she didn't hear him.

"Amaya!" he shouted her name, but she did not recover.

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