Chapter sixteen

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Mathias was acting as Amaya's bodyguard. He accompanied her wherever she went. At the same time, however, she acted as a bodyguard for him, because no one dared to harm him as long as he stood by her side.

They lay in the gardens on the grass and watched the clouds. They pointed to the strange ones. They imagined what they looked like. They saw flowers, birds and wolves in them. They saw whole heavenly cities there.

Their view of the turquoise skies was overshadowed by Prince Ciaran.

"Could we talk in private?" Ciaran asked Amaya.

"You can talk in front of Mathias. We don't have secrets," replied Amaya.

Lie. She had many secrets nobody knew about.

"Are you afraid of leaving him alone or are you afraid of being alone with me?" Ciaran looked at her challengingly.

"I'm not afraid of anything," Amaya said.

She gave him a hand to help her stand. He quickly pulled her to her feet and pressed her to his chest.

"There must be something you fear, little goddess," said Ciaran.

"I certainly won't tell my weaknesses to the enemy," she retorted.

"You already told me one," Ciaran reminded her.

"I don't need to watch this spark between you," Mathias interrupted them.

Amaya rolled her eyes. She pulled away from the prince.

"Wait here," she said to Mathias. "I'll be right back."

"I'm not going anywhere," said Mathias.

Amaya was walking with Prince Ciaran. The warm rays of the summer sun flooded the landscape. The birds sang beautifully.

"Your friend has no respect," said Prince Ciaran.

"He only has no respect for you," Amaya replied. "He gets along with the guards quite well. Except for General Marcellus. He is your friend and stands on your side."

"I'm usually popular with people," Ciaran remarked.

"You're loved in Hiraeth," Amaya said. "Your people would like to see you as their king. Are you that loved in the rest of the kingdom too?'

"More and less. Deira is divided inside, but still holding together," he replied. "But since you mention the people of Hiraeth, I think it's about time they got to know their princess. We have our wedding next week and people should get to know you. They want to get to know you."

"It's still over a week," Amaya said.

"It's only eight days," said Ciaran.

"A long eight days during anything can happen," Amaya said.

"You can't be locked up in a palace all the time. I want you to be a part of this place. I want Hiraeth to be your home." Ciaran told her dreamily. "In two days, the celebration of the first full moon of autumn takes place. I would like you to accompany me there, Amaya."

"Won't the royal guards have a problem with you letting me out of the cage?" she raised an eyebrow in question. A mischievous smile graced her lips.

"If you will be with me, then not," replied the prince. "After the wedding, they won't guard us like that anymore. They will return back to Miramor."

"Am I going to enjoy the party?" Amaya asked him.

"I think you'll love it," replied Ciaran.

"In that case, I would be honored to accompany you there," Amaya said. "If you promise to dance with me," she added.

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