Chapter twenty eight

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Amaya was already tired of so many people. So many voices merged into one incomprehensible noise. Her head was buzzing. Crown Prince Enzo decided to keep her company the whole time. He introduced her to lords and ladies whom she would never see again in her life.

She managed to slip out of the ballroom. She sat down in an armchair in the red lounge. She allowed herself to exhale. She listened to the silence, broken by the distant sounds of music and laughter.

At that, she felt someone's gentle touch on her shoulders. He kissed her neck.

"I thought you were going to let me leave without saying goodbye, Ciaran," Amaya said.

Amaya turned to him, but when she saw the face staring back at her, she was filled with terror. She quickly jumped to her feet and stepped away from him.

"Arawn? What are you doing here?"

"I should feel insulted that you mistake me for your prince." a mischievous smile graced his lips.

"What do you want here?" Amaya repeated her question more forcefully.

Arawn rolled his eyes. "I was always there for you when you needed me," he told her.

"I heard your voice," Amaya said. "But I don't need you."

"I saved you from eternal death and this is your gratitude?"

"I apologize for not being grateful enough, your shadow majesty, after you threw me into the fire," Amaya hissed at him.

"You know me, Amaya. You know I can be quite..."

"Abominable bastard?" Amaya added.

"You're no saint either, Amaya," Arawn said. "This is what the gods made us. We are monsters from the shadows that people fear when night falls. You used to like it."

"Used to," Amaya said. "That's a long time ago."

"Not so long ago," he countered.

Arawn appeared behind her. He moved in the blink of an eye. Amaya turned to him. He pushed her against the wall. He rested his hands on either side of her, trapping her as if in a cage. The proximity made Amaya's heart skip a beat.

"I missed you, Amaya," he said.

"You don't," Amaya retorted. "Didn't you hear about my wedding? Even the gods have blessed it."

"I heard. I saw," Arawn said. "I also know you weren't exactly thrilled with the connection."

He took her hand in his. He gently ran his thumb over the mark that connected her and Prince Ciaran. It disappeared for a moment and reappeared.

"It could be reversed."

"Was that you?" Amaya was horrified.

"No, but I can break the bond," Arawn replied.

"And what would be the price?" Amaya asked him.

"That you come back to me," he replied.

"I won't leave Ciaran," said Amaya.

"But he's leaving you," Arawn told her. "He let you go because he thinks it will save his damned city. He chose Hiraeth and not you."

"But I have feelings for him," Amaya admitted in a small voice.

"It used to be my name that you called at night. You once had feelings for me too." Arawn reminded her. "At least you thought so. But in reality, it is only the darkness that draws you to him. The fact that you cannot read in him like in others. His unpredictability. But do you think he would love you if he knew what you truly are, Amaya? That you are the same monster as me?"

"I'm not like you," Amaya argued.

Ciaran was looking for Amaya. Despite his father's prohibition, he decided to talk to her. He will calmly risk the wrath of the gods themselves if they try to divide them.

He found her in the red lounge. She was not alone. A familiar figure pushed her against the wall. He recognized him from her memory. He remained hidden around the corner and watched them.

"Deep down, you're just like me," Arawn countered. "You used to enjoy hunting people. But now you tame yourself. You suppress that hunger inside you. And why? Because you are afraid that your beloved prince will start hating you?"

"Ciaran is different," Amaya said, trying to believe her words.

"Then why don't you tell him the truth?" Arawn challenged her.

Amaya looked away.

"However, he also has his secrets. Ones you'd probably hate him for more than he hates you." Arawn remarked. "That prince of yours is not as good as you might think."

"There is darkness in him, not evil."

"You forget that darkness and evil all too often go hand in hand."

"You know from experience?" Amaya shot him a cold look.

Arawn laughed. "You've always been so explosive."

"What secret is Ciaran hiding?" she asked him. "What do you know that I don't?"

"Why don't you ask him? Or why don't you find out for yourself?" he answered her question.

"I'm not going to mess with his head," Amaya snapped.

"You wouldn't have hesitated to do that in the past," Arawn said.

"A very long time ago."

"Not that long ago."

With a gentle touch, he pushed an unruly lock of hair away from her eyes. He looked deep into her eyes, right into her soul. She felt the heat of his gaze. Amaya held her breath. He kissed her. His kisses got her blood pumping. It was as if the life she had been missing for so long was breathed into her. She didn't return it, but she didn't stop him from kissing her either. Maybe she wanted to remember how easy everything was with him. Except now everything is so terribly complicated.

"You know where to find me, Amaya," he said. "I will wait for you until your prince breaks your heart."

Arawn stepped away from her and vanished into the void. Amaya slid down the wall to the ground. The wide skirt of the dress spread out around her. Ciaran came out of his hiding place. Their eyes met.



"It was...?"

"Arawn," she confirmed.

"What did he want from you?" Ciaran asked.

"Me," Amaya replied.

"I won't let him take you away," Ciaran said, offering her a helping hand.

Amaya accepted it. She stood up back on her feet. She laughed.

"You'll let anyone take me away, Ciaran," she said, pushing him away and walking away.

Ciaran grabbed her arm to stop her. She turned to him.

"Please talk to me."

"You think I'm going to believe any of your words after what you've done?" Amaya said. "I never trusted you and I don't trust you now."

"You trusted me in the Firewood," said Ciaran.

"And how did it turn out? You let me go. Just like you're letting me go now. I'm drowning, Ciaran, and you're nowhere to save me."

"Amaya." His voice sounded pained.

"Let me go, Ciaran. Don't make it worse than it already is."

She broke free from his grip and left. Ciaran just stood there idly and watched her walk away. As if she slips through his fingers like water.

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