Chapter twenty seven

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"The king is sending you this dress to wear to tonight's ball," Princess Neila told her.

It was supposed to be a ball to celebrate the peace between Deira and the Amorite. At the same time, they were supposed to officially return Amaya back to the hands of King Damon.

"Red?" Amaya looked at the dress she brought her.

"Deira and Amorite although have made peace, my father still likes to provoke," answered Neila.

"King Damon will be furious when he sees me in red," Amaya said. "I like it."

"Ciaran would really like to talk to you, Amaya." Neila requested in his name.

"But I don't want to talk to him," Amaya said.

"He had no choice. " his sister defended him.

"We all have choices," Mathias countered.

"I'm not talking to you," retorted Princess Neila.

"Watch your tone," Amaya warned her.

"You found a replacement for my brother very quickly," said Princess Neila.

"Ciaran made his decision. He chose his people over me," Amaya said. "I respect it."

"My father knew it would hurt Ciaran if he sent you away. It's obvious that he cares about you. If there was another option, he would never have left you," said Neila.

"And yet he did it."

Amaya kicked Neila out of the room.

"Tell Ciaran that if he wanted to talk to me, all he had to do was come to me himself and not send messages through you," Amaya told her one last time before slamming the door into her face.

"Ready, Miss Amaya?"

Amaya looked at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't recognize the person she saw in it. She used to be a cold-blooded dark creature and now her emotions were tearing her apart from the inside. It wasn't her. But at the same time, she had no idea if she would ever be able to be who she was again.

"Amaya, Princess of Deira," she said to herself.

She smoothed out the dress she was forced to wear. Wide white skirt. Red velvet top dress. Her décolletage was decorated with jewels glistening in the soft candlelight.

"Amaya, a girl blessed by the gods," she said to herself, but what if she didn't want to be the one chosen by the gods anymore?

Crown Prince Enzo came for Amaya to her chambers. King Mael wanted to keep Ciaran and Amaya apart, so she had her own chambers. Anyway, Amaya would rather sleep in the stables than in the same room with Ciaran.

"Are you afraid of me, Your Highness?" Amaya said as the prince tentatively offered her a shoulder.

"Our last meeting didn't go well," answered Prince Enzo.

"You provoked the shadow," Amaya told him.

"I don't want it to happen again," said the prince.

"I can assure you that the next time the shadow attacks, your brother Prince Ciaran will feel its wrath," said Amaya.

"I'll take your word for it," Prince Enzo said with a mischievous smile.

The door to the hall opened. The music stopped playing. King Mael entered first, followed by Crown Prince Enzo hand in hand with Amaya. The king sat on his throne. Prince Enzo and Amaya stood by his side. People in the hall stared at them. As Amaya looked around the room, she saw King Damon and his son, Crown Prince Tristan. Her eyes fell on Prince Ciaran. He stood proudly, but there was sadness in his eyes.

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