Chapter twenty three

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The celebration lasted until the morning. Amaya moved away from it and left. Ciaran took her to his chambers.

"I'm going to sleep in my bed," Amaya said.

"Okay," Ciaran said coldly.

"Are you mad at me?" Amaya wondered.

"No," replied Ciaran. "Should I be?"

"You have no reason or right to be upset. I just told you the truth," said Amaya. "This is not a blessing from the gods, but a curse."

"I just don't understand you," said Ciaran. "One moment you're sweet and I feel like there's something between us and then you're suddenly so cold and cruel."

"I am what I am and you either accept it or let me go," Amaya snapped.

"And you want it?" Ciaran asked her. "To leave?"

"And would you let me go if I wanted to?" she answered with a question.

"No," replied Ciaran. "Because I know you don't really want to."

Amaya angrily turned her back on him and went to her chambers.

Crown Prince Enzo was lying on her bed. As she entered the room he sat down and stared at her with ferocity in his eyes.

"How did you get here, Your Highness?" Amaya asked him irritated.

"I'm the crown prince," His Highness replied. "There is no place in this kingdom that I am not allowed to enter."

"So now there is," Amaya said. "To my chambers."

"You can't command me," said Prince Enzo.

"I think your father, King Mael, would certainly not be happy to find out where you spent the night," Amaya remarked with a mischievous smile.

"I don't think you would tell him," Prince Enzo replied with a challenge in his eyes. "You fight your battles alone."

"But that doesn't mean I won't use it against you," Amaya said.

"You are not playing fair," said Prince Enzo.

"I just play well with whatever cards life deals me," Amaya replied. "It's not my fault you're giving me an advantage."

Prince Enzo stood up from her bed and approached her. He pushed her against the wall. They stood as close to each other as the skirt of her dress would allow.

"What do you want, Your Highness?" Amaya asked him a question.

"You, Miss," he replied.

"I think it's too late to ask for my hand in marriage, now that I'm married to your brother, who's in the next room," Amaya said.

"I only care about your body. I never had a witch," said Prince Enzo.

Amaya laughed lightly. "And what will I get out of it?" she asked him. "I don't give anything for free."

"And what did my bastard brother pay for it?" asked the crown prince.

"He had nothing to offer me, but you, the royal throne awaits you," said Amaya.

"So you want a crown. That's probably the only thing I can't give you."

"In that case, I'm afraid I have nothing to offer you, Your Highness."

Amaya pushed him away and went back to Prince Ciaran's chambers.

"I'll be here waiting for you if you change your mind," Prince Enzo called after her.

Ciaran was not in his chambers. She didn't know where he went. Maybe it was better that he wasn't there. On a day that should have been joyful, there was tension between them that divided them.

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