Chapter seven

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Prince Ciaran carried Amaya's dagger with him at all times. That was actually the real reason why her escape was delayed. She knew the way out of the palace long ago. She knew how to get lost despite being followed by the royal guard. But she refused to leave without her dagger. She needed it. Her life depended on it.

Amaya watched the prince. She secretly watched through the secret door where he put it at night before going to sleep.

Already in the monastery, the prince realized that there was something strange about that dagger. A very special energy radiated from it. He noticed how Amaya longed for it, how she couldn't give it up. It was a predatory addiction that says she would kill for that one thing.

He noticed how her eyes fell on that dagger every time they were together. She tried to be inconspicuous, but he noticed.

And that's why he always held it close to his body.

Because she wanted it.

Night fell on the land. The thick darkness was broken only by the flames of candles in the corridors and fires in the gardens. Silence reigned over the land, broken only by the chirping of crickets and the whisper of the wind. The whole palace was already asleep. Besides her. Amaya got dressed and packed everything she would need for the escape in her bag. She didn't know her exact goal yet. The guards were nowhere in sight. She was sure. She double-checked. It was time to go.

But she was missing one single thing that she couldn't leave without.

Slowly, hesitantly, she opened the secret door between her chambers and Prince Ciaran's. It was dark there. She walked blindly. The walls were close together. She held on to them. She ran her palm over the stone, felt its texture under her fingers. She kept close to the wall and walked forward.

She hit the other door. The door behind which the prince's bedroom was hidden. She hesitated for a moment. She listened to the sound behind the door. She didn't hear anything. She felt the doorknob. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She repeated it. And one more time. She carefully opened the door. They creaked softly. She cursed the sound. She stopped. She stood without movement like a statue. Fortunately, the sound didn't wake the prince, so she entered his room.

The room was shrouded in a veil of darkness. The sparkling light of the moon came in through the windows. She weighed every step. She stepped carefully. She approached the prince's bed. Looked at him as he slept. Strands of black hair fell into his eyes. Sweat glistened on his body. He had such a calm expression on his face. He dreamed sweet dreams.

Ciaran had her dagger under his pillow. He held it so close to his body so that it would be impossible for her to retrieve it. Pulling her out from under his head will be impossible.

Amaya had to try all the luck she had left in her life. She gently went under the pillow with her fingers. She went deeper and deeper with her palm. She tried to jam her hand into the mattress so he wouldn't feel it. She was constantly watching the prince. She kept her eyes on him. He shook himself. Amaya stopped. She prayed to the gods that he wouldn't wake up. A low moan escaped his lips. Amaya laughed involuntarily. She wondered what he might be dreaming about. He turned on his other side. Showed her his back.

She managed to feel her dagger. She felt its familiar shape. Carved handle with case. She felt the familiarity of the cold metal. Energy surged through her veins. They belonged together. She and that dagger were as one. That dagger was a part of her and now she could hold it in her hands again.

She carefully pulled it out from under the pillow. It was finally hers again. The prince did not wake up. He continued to sleep peacefully. Luck was on her side.

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