Chapter seventeen

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Amaya was sitting on a high cliff. She sat there, dangling her legs in the air. She was looking at the distant horizon hidden under the cloak of darkness. The black sky blended with the black waters of the sea. In the depths below, waves crashed wildly against the rocks. The salty breeze blew in her hair. She picked flowers from them and untangled the complicated braids. Prince Ciaran joined her. He stared into the same distance where she was also focusing her gaze. They were silent.

"Do you hear that?" she asked the prince.

"What?" asked the prince.

"The song of the sirens. They lure their victims to them." Amaya said.

"Are all dark creatures so bloodthirsty?" wondered the prince.

"All of them," Amaya replied.

"Except you," remarked Ciaran.

"Why do you think I am not?" she turned to him and he to her. "Just because I control it doesn't mean I'm not the same."

"You're not the same," said Ciaran.

There was a moment of silence between them. It was strangely quiet. The silence of the absence of words. The silence of souls that connected more than ordinary words.

"I noticed you took a deep breath when the moon goddess blessed the festivities." Ciaran broke the silence. "You didn't expect that to happen?"

"Let's just say the gods haven't really liked me lately," Amaya replied.

"I guess ever since you got the marks," Ciaran remarked.

"I shouldn't tell you so much." Amaya couldn't help but smile. "You know too much."

"Does anyone even know the truth about you?" he asked her. "How much does your Mathias know?"

"He's not mine," Amaya argued. "And he only knows enough so that he doesn't start hating me. He knows I'm a dark creature. He knows I have a murderous shadow."

"What do you have?" Ciaran was horrified.

Amaya laughed. His reaction brought a smile to her lips. Sincere smile.

"I'm sorry," said Ciaran smiling. "How you mean it, that you have a murderous shadow?" he asked her.

"Remember how I said the ghosts in the Whispering Forest belonged to the Shadow King? They are shadows. One of them is his own and the others are the stolen shadows of the people he killed." she told him.

"You killed people too," said Ciaran.

"None of those souls were mine, though," Amaya said.

"You're the only one who knows so much about me," she said after a short pause. "And it's a strange feeling."

Prince Ciaran stood up and offered Amaya his hand, which she accepted warmly. He helped her to her feet. He gently grabbed her by the waist and they began to sway to the melody of the world around them.

"What are we doing?" Amaya asked him with a smile.

"I promised you we'd dance together, so we do," replied Ciaran.

"I've been waiting for this all evening."

They didn't need music. The siren song and the whisper of the waves were enough for them. All they needed was the two of them. Amaya rested her head on his chest. She closed her eyes and let the moment drift away. She let him lead her. She might not trust him, like to anyone, but at this moment she was completely in his power.

Ciaran spun her around, pulled her back to his chest and kissed her. Amaya didn't expect that. But she didn't pull away. What's more, she returned the kiss.

It was like dawn for her. Streams of bright light shone through the dark night. She felt it in her whole body. She had kissed many lips, but his kisses were the sweetest. She longed for them. She wanted more.

"It shouldn't be this way between us." Amaya filtered through the kisses.

"Why shouldn't it?" said Ciaran. "We don't have to be enemies."

The full moon celebration lasted until dawn, but they returned to the palace earlier. Prince Ciaran escorted Amaya to her chambers.

"Good night, little goddess." he wished her and went to his chambers.

Amaya stopped him. She held his wrist and did not let go. Ciaran looked at her in surprise. Even she was surprised that she did it.

"You can't just kiss me and walk away like it never happened," she told him.

"I thought it was unacceptable that there should be anything between us," said Ciaran.

Amaya said nothing to that. She clung to the prince and kissed him. That was a sufficient answer. Ciaran twisted her and pushed her against the wall. It slightly took Amaya's breath away. They stood close to each other. She could feel the warmth of his body. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Ciaran looked deep into her eyes. The corners of his mouth lifted into a fleeting smile, the smile of a predator that had just received its prey.

"The gods will not like you kissing your enemy," he said.

"The gods haven't spoken to me in a long time," replied Amaya. "I don't care what they like or don't like."

She kissed him again, silencing any further words. Ciaran kissed her back. He claimed her lips fiercely. He lifted her up in his arms. He was kissing her neck, the neckline of her dress. Amaya couldn't hold back her moans of pleasure. She tore his shirt off. She wanted to feel his naked skin on hers. For what strange reason she longed for him. She wanted him like nothing else in the world.

She ran her fingers through his raven hair. She clung to him. She wanted his kisses. She bit his lip. She felt the sweetness of his blood on her tongue. It was the best she had ever tasted. It was like a drug for her, she already knew at that moment that she would want more.

"You're biting." Ciaran gracefully bit his injured lower lip.

Amaya nodded with a smile. Her eyes reflected ferocity.

"I love it when you're crazy," said Ciaran.

He kissed her. He possessively claimed her lips, her body. Amaya gave him everything.

If passion could ignite with a real flame, the whole room would be on fire. That night, that moment, they belonged only to each other.

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