Chapter twenty two

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When Mareena came to wake Amaya in the morning, she was already awake. She didn't sleep all night.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Mareena asked her.

"I'm just a little nervous," Amaya replied.

"Everything will be fine, Miss. You'll see." Mareena reassured her.

"Maybe I'm a little scared of the wedding," Amaya admitted.

"You have nothing to fear. Prince Ciaran likes you. Perhaps his majesty, King Mael has evil intentions, but the prince will protect you. He cares about you."

"Do you think I'm making the right decision?" Amaya asked her.

"It doesn't matter if it's the right decision or not. The only thing that matters is if you like Prince Ciaran," Mareena replied. "And you obviously like him. You came back for him."

Princess Neila burst into Amaya's chambers like a whirlwind. She hugged Amaya tightly. So early in the morning, the rush of energy was too much for her.

"I hope you feel full of strength today," Neila told her. "I'll be your guide through all day. Of course, after the ceremony, it will be Ciaran who will accompany you but for now, I have to be enough."

"Can I see him?" Amaya asked.

"Why?" Her question caught Neila by surprise.

"I need to talk to Ciaran," Amaya said.

"I'm sorry, but you can't. You are not allowed to see each other until the ceremony," Neila replied. "Tradition."

"It's not my tradition," Amaya said heading towards the door connecting her and Ciaran's chambers.

When she came in, they yawned at the emptiness. No one was there. The bed was still made.

"Ciaran!" Amaya called out.

Only silence answered her.

"Where's Ciaran?" Amaya asked.

"My brother is getting ready for the ceremony. There are certain things he must undergo before he can marry you," said Neila.

"Another tradition?"

"My brother doesn't really like traditions either, but this time he has to follow them. He is even interested in participating in them."

"And where is he right now?" Amaya demanded.

"Amaya, don't do it," Neila asked her. "They say you ran away. Although Ciaran denied it, everyone was sure of it. It's a miracle you're here," she said. "Don't back out of that wedding or Ciaran will pay for it. He does not deserve father's wrath."

"I ran away, but I came back because of him," Amaya admitted to her. "I don't want Ciaran to die. I just need to talk to him."

"So all the time he said you weren't feeling well..."

"He lied."

"But you came back because you like him."

Amaya nodded.

"I'm sorry, but you can't see him now," said Neila. "You'll meet at the temple."

Amaya didn't object anymore. She knew there was no point.

Mareena and Ciaran's sister Princess Neila were preparing her for the wedding. The ceremony was approaching dangerously fast, but at the same time time was passing unnaturally slowly. The seconds dragged on for hours and the hours seemed to last for days.

"Does he belong to you?" asked Neila, pointing to Mathias.

Amaya ended up in his arms. Mathias hugged her tightly.

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