Chapter eleven

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A sumptuous farewell party for the prince's concubines was held in the palace. They were supposed to head back to their families in two days.

The servants were running here and there preparing everything for the big evening. They were preparing decorations in the gardens. They hung flower garlands entwined with different flowers of all kinds of colors. They tangled them for hours. They lit lanterns made of colored glass. They covered the world in a colorful cloak. The air was filled with the delicious aroma of food being cooked.

Prince Ciaran was in his rooms preparing for his last evening in the company of his girls. He didn't like parties, but he had to say goodbye to them properly. He was more of a soldier, a warrior. Amaya was the same. Maybe that's why he liked her. She was not like most girls in Deira. However, she was not even born there.

Ciaran came out of his wardrobe, buttoning his shirt. Amaya was lying on his bed. She liked the view of his worked-out chest.

"I should put a bell on you so you can't sneak in," Ciaran joked.

"Trust me, I could do it with it anyway," Amaya replied.

"You shouldn't look at me like that, little goddess. I could interpret it as you not hating me," said Ciaran.

"I never said I hate you, I'm just saying the two of us will never be friends," Amaya said. "And I wouldn't look at you like that if you buttoned up that shirt."

"Is it distracting you?" Ciaran walked over to the bed and rested his shoulder on its carved post. "Do you have sinful thoughts, little goddess?"

"Constantly," she grinned.

Ciaran climbed onto the bed to her. His powerful body towered over her. With a gentle touch, he pushed her hair away from her eyes.

"We could ditch the party and stay in bed all night," Ciaran said, nonchalantly biting his bottom lip.

"I won't rob your wonderful concubines of their last moments with you," Amaya said with a mischievous smile gracing her lips. "Maybe you'll like one of them after all."

"I don't think I could have liked any of them if it hadn't happened now," said Ciaran. "And anyway, I already have my bride."

Ciaran leaned towards her, but Amaya stopped him before their lips touched. Instead of unbuttoning the few buttoned buttons on his shirt, she buttoned the remaining ones.

"You should get ready for your big night," she told him.

"Our big night will be our wedding night," Ciaran replied, a fleeting smile adorning his lips.

"Don't expect anything more to happen between us that day just because we were forced into the marriage," Amaya reminded him.

"I don't expect anything," defended Ciaran. "I just think you'll be madly in love with me by then."

"Never." Amaya laughed.

"You say that word too often for it to have any meaning," Ciaran smirked.

Amaya rolled her eyes. "Have you found out who put that snake in my bed yet?" she distracted him from herself.

Ciaran looked at her inquisitively for a brief moment. "I'm sure the royal guards did it, but they won't admit it," he finally said. "They have orders to stay as far away from you as possible."

"So that's why they don't follow me like a shadow anymore."

"Now they're just making sure you don't run away."

"I think they're guarding you too so you don't run away," Amaya said back.

Amaya pushed Ciaran aside. He rolled onto his back. They were both looking at the heavens of the bed. Constellations were depicted on them.

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