Chapter eighteen

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Dawn was about to break in a few moments. Amaya woke up lying next to her prince. She realized that this should never have happened between them, but it did. She couldn't control herself. She always had problems with self-control.

She lay there and watched him sleep peacefully. She wanted to stay a little longer, she told herself. A few more minutes, but she had no time left. She must leave before the sun rises over the horizon.

She quietly slipped out of bed. She stepped carefully so as not to wake the prince. She put on a plain black dress and packed a few things she might need in her bag. She threw the hood of her cloak over her head and disappeared into the dark night.

She managed to elude right in from of the guards. She managed to slip out of the palace unnoticed. No one noticed her. The darkness hid her perfectly.

Mathias was waiting for her behind the walls.

"You're late," he told her.

"Something held me back," Amaya said as she mounted her horse.

"Rather someone," Mathias said with venom on his tongue.

"Don't provoke, Mathias." Amaya gave him a murderous look. "You have nothing to do with what happened between me and Prince Ciaran. I am here. No matter what."

"However, I can see that something has changed in you. You are not the same as in Amorite," said Mathias.

"You keep forgetting we're not in Amorite anymore," Amaya remarked.

"And why are you wearing a dress? It's impractical."

"This is Deira. We have to fit in."

Her eyes fell on Drea. She sat on the third horse in silence and listened to their little argument. She tried to look innocent.

"What is she doing here?" Amaya asked Mathias.

"She said she'll go wherever you go," replied Mathias. "She says she wants to serve you." he couldn't suppress an amused smile.

Amaya turned to her. "Drea, we're not going back to Amorite," she told her. "I'm sure Prince Ciaran won't mind if you stay and we don't have time to get you over the border."

"Miss," Drea spoke. "I don't want to delay you on your way, but I insist on what I once said. There is no future for me at home and there is no point in staying in Hiraeth without you. It will be an honor to serve you wherever that may be."

Mathias sneered. He just stifled a laugh.

"So, your divine majesty, shall we keep her?" he said.

Amaya rolled her eyes. "Let's go before anyone notices us," she said and spurred her horse.

Mathias and Drea followed her. Amaya actually had no idea where she was going. She simply wanted to get as far away from the palace and from Hiraeth as quickly as possible. No one stopped them. No one even noticed that they had disappeared. Before dawn, the night is always darkest, metaphorically and literally. The darkness sheltered them. Hidden under the veil of night, they raced away across the countryside.

Amaya stopped for a moment. She turned around. They were far from the city, but she could still see the palace disappearing into the distance. The night skies were already starting to fade. Dawn was coming slowly. She wondered what Ciaran would think when he woke up in the morning and she wasn't there. She wondered if he would try to catch her or let her be free. She didn't know if he would of his own free will open the door of the cage he was keeping her in and let her fly away. She wondered what would happen to him when King Mael found out she had escaped.

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