Chapter eight

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Amaya woke up briefly to a gentle shaking. She was awake but did not open her eyes. "Amaya. Amaya." a gentle voice called her. A familiar voice. But she didn't really want to get up. She was tired from a long night.

"Amaya!" she gave her a good shake.

Amaya finally opened her eyes. However, she did not open them completely. The morning rays of the sun stung her face.

"What's wrong Zariah?" she asked her.

"Why is the prince in your bed?" Zariah asked her, all accusations in her voice.

"Not for the reason you think," Amaya said.

"I was not opposed to that reason, but she refused," said Prince Ciaran.

Amaya laughed lightly to herself.

"That's not funny, Amaya." Zariah teased her. "She is not one of your concubines." she directed her anger at the prince.

"We had a little disagreement last night and it got a little out of hand," Amaya said. "He needed someone to keep an eye on him to not stop breathing in his sleep."

"He has many servants who could have done that," Zariah countered.

"But King Mael wasn't must not find out," Amaya countered.

"He's the enemy," she reminded her.

"I am her betrothed," said Prince Ciaran.

"You keep her as a prisoner," Zariah told him with venom on her tongue.

Ciaran got out of bed and went to his chambers. Amaya remained lying still. She watched Ciaran leave, leaving an empty spot in the bed. He limped on his right leg.

Amaya turned her attention back to Zariah. She stared at her.

"I'm still dressed, see?" Amaya told her. "Nothing happened between us."

"I hope you're not starting to like him," Zariah said with an accusation in her voice.

Amaya laughed at the top of her lungs. "You know me, Zariah. I couldn't even love Prince Tristan, and he is the kindest person I know. What makes you think I would be capable of loving him?"

"It was strange to find the two of you in the same bed," Zariah said more calmly. "I don't know what to think of that."

"Definitely not what you think," Amaya said.

Amaya decided to take a morning bath. She needed to wash off the remnants of Ciaran's blood. She had it behind her fingernails. She had dirty clothes from it. She even had it in her hair.

Mareena prepared her a warm bath. She put various herbs and oils in the water. The bathroom smelled of them. Pink rose petals floated on the surface. Amaya enjoyed the warm water, even though it was a hot summer. She liked the feel of the heat on her skin. She dived under the surface. The water drowned out all sounds. She could still hear everything, but it sounded so far away. She opened her eyes. The world above the surface seemed twisted. It rippled with the water. The surface was disturbed by air bubbles escaping from her lungs.

She saw a familiar shadow in above there. She emerged.

"Do you realize I'm naked?" she said to the prince in a cold voice.

"You have already seen me naked. Now that's fair." Ciaran replied with a mischievous smile on his lips and a sparkle in his eye. "Or are you ashamed in front of your fiancé?"

"Anyway, nothing will come of it between us, so at least enjoy your view," Amaya told him.

"Are you sure about that, little goddess?" he gave her a fleeting smile.

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