Chapter six

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No one liked the future that Amaya saw. Nor did she like to see the destruction of Hiraeth. Seeing it turn to ash and dust. She heard whispers in the corridors that it is her fault that this is going to happen. She honestly wasn't sure otherwise. What if her arrival was to blame?

Hiraeth looked like paradise at first, but she could see how people were looking at her. She heard what they calling her. She had to keep reminding herself that this is not  Amorite. Here she is only a witch for everyone.

The prince tried to get close to her, but she avoided him. She couldn't look him in the eye if she was going to be the damnation of his home.

"His Highness Prince Ciaran invites you to dine with him in the Rose Garden," Mareena informed her.

"Tell Prince Ciaran that I am flattered by his invitation, but unfortunately I must decline," Amaya told her.

The next day the prince came to the door of her chambers. One of the guards who guarded her chambers day and night entered.

"His Highness requests an audience with you," he informed her.

"Send him away!" Amaya ordered.

"Have you figured out how to escape yet?" asked Zariah, who was keeping her company.

"If you haven't noticed, we're being followed by the royal guards," Amaya told her.

She was lying on the edge of the pond, disturbing the surface of the water with her palm. She offered her fingers to the little fishes. She laughed at the way they suck on her skin. It tickled. She watched their fins ripple.

"Word of your sighting is spreading, Amaya. You have to get out of here." Zariah said.

"Circumstances have changed, Zariah. I need time." Amaya said.

"It's been a week already, Amaya. You are running out of time and the wedding is approaching. If you become their princess, you'll be stuck here."

"I'm not leaving you here alone Zariah." Amaya objected. "You didn't let them take me away alone. You followed me without hesitation. I will not leave you alone in the hands of the enemy."

"It's important that you get out of here, Amaya. I just have to make sure you stay safe. I swore to that task a long time ago," said Zariah.

In the evening, Amaya blocked the secret door that connected her bedroom to the prince's. She wanted to be sure that no one entered her rooms without her knowledge and permission. She had the feeling that since she had rejected the prince so many times, he might try to find her in this way.

And she wasn't wrong.

She heard his footsteps, a soft knock. She heard his voice.

"Amaya," he called her.

Amaya ignored him. She sat on the ground leaning against the wall and listened to his voice calling her. She didn't answer. She didn't open for him. She heard him trying to get in, but the door wouldn't open.

"Amaya, please. Open."

She sat there in the dark. She let the warm summer breeze blow in through the open windows. She listened to his voice and let it echo with the chirping of crickets outside.

Amaya was constantly watched by someone from the royal guard. Wherever she went, they were on her heels. They were following her. They made sure she was obedient. She spent most of her time in her rooms. At least they thought so.

Amaya's chambers were the only ones that were guarded. Apparently, they were afraid that she would run away. But Amaya was not stupid and sneaked out through the prince's chambers. No one even noticed that she had disappeared.

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