Chapter thirty one

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Amaya went to see General Marcellus.

"I need a favor from you, General," she said, handing him a small bottle of green liquid. "I need you to put it in Ciaran's wine during the goodbye celebration for soldiers."

The general stared at her in disbelief. "Why don't you do it?" he asked her.

"Ciaran suspects me of trying something. It won't be expected from you," she replied.

"What will it do to him?" wondered the general.

"His mind will stay out long enough that he can't leave," Amaya said.

"I won't do that," the general refused. "How do I know it won't kill him?" he didn't trust her.

"If he crosses the gates of this palace, he will die," Amaya said.

"Did you see that?

"Yes. And quite clearly."

General Marcellus took the small bottle from her.

"Are you sure it will save him?" he assured.

"No, but I hope so," Amaya replied.

The soldiers celebrated one last time before going into battle from which they may not return. It was a tradition. Last fun before a brutal fight.

Everyone was drinking. Ciaran too. Alcohol flowed in streams. Pouring something into his drink shouldn't be a problem.

"Dance with me." a drunken Ciaran challenged Amaya.

Amaya did as he asked and danced with him. They jumped to the rhythm of the happy melody. It was obvious that he had already drunk more than enough.

"I leave Hiraeth in your hands, little goddess," Ciaran told her. "Take care of this place."

"I'll burn down Hiraeth to ashes if you don't come back," Amaya replied.

Ciaran laughed. "I believe Hiraeth will be as much a home for you as it is for me," he said. "These are your people now. You are their princess."

"You are my home, Ciaran," Amaya said.

General Marcellus interrupted them. He handed Ciaran a glass of wine. He gave Amaya a look that said he did as she asked. Ciaran threw it into himself in one gulp. Now all that was left to do was wait.

It took about two hours for it to take effect. Ciaran's head was spinning. The world around him was blurring into fragments. He saw people more than once. He staggered. He could barely stay on his feet. The fact that he was drunk made it worse. Amaya caught him so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

"I'm not feeling well, Amaya," he said.

"You need to sleep," she told him.

General Marcellus helped her carry him to his chambers.

"Is it supposed to work like this?" General Marcellus asked Amaya.

"He's drunk, so his reaction to it might seem stronger," Amaya replied. "When he sobers up, it won't be so bad."

In the morning they called the doctor, who confirmed that Ciaran was in no condition to go into battle.

Amaya was lying next to him in bed. She didn't even move away from him the whole time. Ciaran was shaking. He had a fever. Sweat was running down his body. He was talking nonsense in his sleep. He could not distinguish between dreams and reality.

"Amaya," he called her name unconsciously.

"I'm with you," Amaya whispered to him.

"The King expects us to arrive at Miramor before sunset. What are we going to do?" General Marcellus asked Amaya.

"You now command the army. The decision is yours, General," Amaya replied.

"It doesn't matter if our soldiers join the army. If Prince Ciaran does not appear, then the king will be furious," General Marcellus said.

"Then stay in Hiraeth and defend the city," Amaya said. "King Mael cannot fight in two places at once."

"How long will he suffer like this?" the general asked, looking at the prince in pain.

"A few days," Amaya replied.

"Can't you calm it down somehow? You know how to get into people's heads."

"Arawn warned me that Ciaran has a secret I don't want to know. I won't get into his head because I'm afraid it's a secret so bad I'd rather kill him than help him if I found out."

The general swallowed hard. He looked away.

"You know his secret, don't you, General?" she recognized it in his face.

He didn't even have to answer, the answer was clear.

King Mael arrived at the gates of Hiraeth. Amaya welcomed him to the palace with open arms.

"Where is my son?" the king asked irritably.

"He's not well, your majesty," Amaya replied.

"Just like you weren't before the wedding?" the king didn't believe her.

"If you don't take my word for it, take the doctor's word for it," Amaya shot back. "You can see for yourself that Ciaran is incapable of even getting out of bed, let alone going to war."

Of course, the king wanted to make sure she was telling the truth. He saw his son lying in a fever. Ciaran was too weak to sense his presence.

"You still don't believe?" Amaya said to the king.

"Prepare the army!" King Mael ordered her. "They're leaving with us at dawn."

"I don't command the army. Soldiers only obey Prince Ciaran's orders," Amaya replied.

"You are their princess and I am their king. They must obey orders," said King Mael.

"These soldiers are loyal to their prince and commander. They won't listen to anyone else," Amaya said. "When Ciaran is better he will give orders."

King Mael tried to get the army of Hiraeth to prepare to march, but of course, no one obeyed his orders. Even though he was their king, they only listened to their prince.

"What have you done?" General Adrien asked Amaya when they were alone.

"Only what I had to." she didn't lie.

General Adrien gave her a fleeting smile. "You keep surprising me," he said. "Do you always get what you want?"

"Mostly yes," Amaya said.

"If I were you, I would stay as far away from the battlefield as possible," Amaya warned him.

"Why?" General Adrien did not understand.

"The Shadow King is not just a myth. Amorite made a pact with him," she explained. "You can't beat him. If you see shadows, run away. Don't look around."

"Why would you advise me to do that?"

"I respect good opponents."

Before King Mael set out in the morning, Amaya decided to bless him. At least that's what she claimed.

"May the gods protect you on your journey," she said, marking him with her blood.

"I don't believe in your gods," said King Mael.

"You're heading to Amorite, you should start," Amaya said.

General Adrien looked at her with a mischievous smile on his lips as if he knew exactly what she had done.

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