Chapter twenty four

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It doesn't matter how Amaya feels about Prince Ciaran or how strong those feelings are. It doesn't matter that the gods brought them together, whatever their reason is. Although she was one hundred percent sure that there was no good reason.

When Amaya decided to accept King Damon's hand in marriage and become his queen, even though it wasn't a request but rather an order, she saw the possibility of freedom. Marry the king, kill him and rule the entire kingdom herself. But what can the unwanted prince offer her except the cage in which he keeps her?

It was always darkest before dawn, therefore, it was the best time to escape.

The stars were hidden by ebony clouds. As if they would like to help her hide in the dark. The wind was rising from the sea. A rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. They were still too far away, but bright enough to make their presence known. Ciaran slept in his chambers, unaware that today was the last time he saw her.

Amaya went out to the balcony. She took one last look at her chambers, which were more home to her than any other place she had ever slept in. She took a deep breath, exhaled. She repeated it twice more. She forced herself to look away and left. Even though her heart begged her not to. She knew it was better that way.

Following the wisteria stretching along the palace walls, she managed to climb to the roof. It was the best way to get out of the palace unnoticed. No one was guarding the roofs.

She headed to the west wing where Mathias was housed. She would never leave without him. Mathias did not know that she planned to escape tonight. It was a spontaneous decision.

"Are you going somewhere?" said a familiar voice behind her.

Her heart stopped for a moment. She turned to him. Ciaran stood there looking at her with pain in his eyes.

"Ciaran," Amaya said coldly.

"I thought you'd stay after you came back," said Ciaran. "Obviously I was wrong."

"How did you know I was going to try to escape today?" Amaya asked him.

"Even if you didn't say it out loud, your eyes said goodbye to me at dinner," Ciaran replied.

"I see you figured out how I'm running from the palace," Amaya said.

"I've thought about it for a long time," said Ciaran. "You're not invisible after all. You are not a ghost. But how is it possible that you can escape without going through the door and without being noticed? Then I remembered the day you sneaked into the harem. You said that you climbed the wisteria. And by chance, one is also stretching across your balcony," he remarked. "Suddenly it all fell into place."

"Congratulations on your discovery, but now excuse me, dawn is coming," Amaya said, turning her back on him.

Ciaran pulled her back. He held her wrist tightly. Amaya wanted to break away from him, but he wouldn't let her go.

"Let me go, Ciaran," Amaya pleaded. "You can't keep me here against my will."

"I'll let you go if you say you don't love me," Ciaran said.

Amaya laughed at the top of her lungs. "Love?" she looked at him like he was crazy. "I do not love you Prince Ciaran and I never will," she said with a terrifying coldness in her voice. "Love is for fools."

A huge bolt of lightning cut through the sky. Its bright, purple glow lit up the night. There was a loud rumble of thunder. It was deafening. As if even the heavens would not believe her words.

"You're a bad liar because I don't trust you at all," Ciaran said kissing her.

Amaya was surprised and at first kissed him back, but then pushed him away sharply. She drew her sword at him.

"I have my priorities and feelings for a man are definitely not one of them," Amaya said forcefully.

"Is it so bad to feel something?" Ciaran didn't understand.

"I am a dark creature who has turned the gods against me and I am hunted by the Shadow King," said Amaya. "I can't afford a weakness like you."

"But you still haven't told me convincingly enough that you don't love me." he smiled mischievously.

Amaya pressed the blade of her sword against his chest. The tip cut through the thin fabric of his shirt. The tip of the sword sliced through his skin, a trickle of blood trickled to the surface, but it didn't dig deep enough to hurt him. Ciaran backed away from her. Amaya pushed him to the edge of the roof.

"Don't make me kill you, Ciaran," she told him.

"You won't kill me," Ciaran said confidently. "If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it a long time ago."

He was right, she didn't want to hurt him.

Below them was a large fountain. It was deep. Amaya lowered her sword. Ciaran exhaled. However, she kicked him, he lost his balance and fell over the edge of the roof. However, Ciaran managed to catch her and took her with him.

They dived deep. Amaya felt the bottom beneath her feet. Ciaran immediately surfaced, but Amaya remained at the bottom. She felt like a stone that the water would swallow and never let go. The surface seemed distant to her. She tried to swim, kicking her feet, waving her arms, but as if something was holding her. She wanted to scream, but water filled her mouth and lungs. She was drowning.

Ciaran looked at Amaya behind him, but did not see her. She was still in the water. He didn't hesitate not even for a moment and jumped back for her. He found her at the bottom, where she was trying to swim out, but she couldn't at all. He grabbed her and helped her to the surface. They came to the surface together. Air filled their lungs. Amaya gripped the edge of the fountain. She gasped. She was coughing up water. She was shaking. Ciaran helped her to solid ground. He held her in his arms.

"You can't swim?" he wondered.

"No." Amaya shook her head.

"That's why you've been so uneasy the whole time on the ship," Ciaran realized.

"But you do realize I can't die?" Amaya remarked.

"You can die, you just don't stay dead," Ciaran corrected her. "Should I have let you drown?"

"Thank you," Amaya finally said.

Amaya and Ciaran lay on the cold stone. The guards found them.

"What happened?" General Marcellus asked when he saw them lying wet at the edge of the fountain.

"We got a little wet," replied Ciaran.

"Why are you dirty from blood?" he looked at his bloody shirt.

"It's my fault," Amaya admitted. " I played with the sword a bit."

"Will you two ever live in peace?" General Marcellus rolled his eyes.

"Amaya?" Ciaran gave her a look.

Amaya was silent. She hesitated with her words. "I can at least try," she said after a long moment of silence.

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