It's Good To Be A God

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(Before I begin this chapter, I would like to state this very clearly: I am not a very experienced writer, and I am fully willing to admit that, so if I have issues with pacing or the romance may seem a bit too cringy, I apologize as I'm just literally taking what I'm thinking of it putting it into text and in all honesty I believe I've been trying to go as slow as I can because as I've not already established Meta Essences are ridiculous just having one could make you a world-class threat.)

Entry 112:

Linus Ozias POV:

How fast can things change? This a question many ask themselves and have had many answers.

From one bad day to Injustice, change can be both quick and slow, but for me, such change has firmly laid in the fast category as I sit atop the throne of Heaven the day before the beginning of 2019, a whole year to rebuild Heaven and create a better world.

Now, from where I sit, I see all and nothing on this planet, and the galaxy itself can hide from me. My powers have grown to the point where my punches can shatter planets, and my swipes from the Blade Encarmine can destroy solar systems.

I have created hundreds of angels, all having the potential for greatness, and in regards to tech trees, I have slowed down the ability to every two months, and as time passed, I have gained four new trees. Code Geas, Splatoon, Mortal Kombat, and Warframe.

All of them are useful in one way or another, with the Warframe tree being especially useful for the creation of frames, weaponry, AI, and other various tech.

In regards to empowering charges, I have placed hundreds of them mostly evenly, and they have paid dividends, increasing the potency and potential of my various abilities as the control and amount of magic I have over my overall strength allows me to essentially walk among regular people and have them not even notice me.

Controlling God's system has become so easy that I may manipulate it by simply extending one thought partition. However, I may have gone a bit too meta with my angel creation as I stand looking at Jibril, Inarius, Mathael, and Mael, with each one given Archangel status.

I even made Asia Argento an Angel, and when she became one, her faith and purity nearly blinded Heaven itself as she began to bow before me, which I stopped and told her.

"We are all family here, and you are worthy of value and worthy to be here, so do not bow and simply continue being you."

Asia even developed the healing aspect after returning Twilight Healing to the system.

Mael has the aspect of the sun, Inarius holds the power of light, Jibril is the knowledge keeper of Heaven, and Mathael owns the domains over sin and death.



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Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest ModeWhere stories live. Discover now