Approaching Orleans

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Entry 148:

Jeanne D'Arc Alter(Jalter) POV:

"Did Rider commit suicide?" I ponder as I feel the contract dissipate. It's troublesome that she retained her sanity even with Madness Enhancement. Still, she likely fought with all of her might. If that's the case, we can't let our guard down. Next time, "he" and I will mobilize. I'm also taking the Servants summoned today. "Gilles, Please contact the Berserk Assassin," I ask my fellow knight.

Gilles then nods as he prepares to contact our other assassin. I ask with a larger amount of weakness than I would like, "Gilles, am I truly fake as that man said?" The Caster's eyes widen as he immediately responds, "Impossible! You are perfect! My perfect Saint!"

The man continues as his wording bothers me, "Of course it's you. Are you listening, Jeanne? You were burned at the stake. Betrayed by everyone! Charles VII left you to die because he didn't want to pay the ransom! Not a single person rose to fight for your return bravely! And what was the cause of all this? It was God! It was our God mocking us! Thus, we deny God. Don't we, Jeanne? Just as I always believed."

He is right, but not in the way he is thinking. That's what that man says continues to Echo in my mind: "You are not real. You are but an idea of what a manic and insane mind could create."

I brush off those thoughts as doubt only leads to weakness, and to burn this joke of a nation, I must be strong. I will not be betrayed again!

I grab my flag and sword as I state, "Yes. Yes, you're right, Gilles. I have nothing left. My soldiers are gone, and my admirers fled. The king betrayed me, and the bishop burnt me in the name of God. I was wrong. No, everything was wrong. Not just what I believed in. The very country that allowed me to exist was wrong. This mistake must be corrected. Jeanne d'Arc was a mistake. So let us do as they decided and make it all so it never happened. My salvation of the country was itself a fatal mistake."

I nod my head as I know I am right. I know what I do is just. I know what I am doing is but an effect of their actions against me.

I know what I am doing, right? I shake my head as I hear his voice in my mind, but I force them down as I look to our new servants. "Let's go, Berserker, Assassin... This is getting complicated. May I use your True Names? Lancelot, Knight of the Lake; and the Executioner, Charles-Henri Sanson. Mount your wyverns. I shall lead you."



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