chapter 11: pineapples

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as luna walked to the great hall for breakfast, she noticed the crowd formed about the gryffindor table. she also noticed the way malfoy was eyeing the crowd whilst sitting at his table, she nudged hermoine who had been looking at her own table to look at the slytherin boy's gaze towards the crowd,

"is it weird i feel like he would not have been half as stuck up if he was just in our house?" hermoine asked "then again, maybe im just house prejudiced"

"no i kind of agree with you, i think its more about the type of people he surrounds himself with. the way he has to present himself to them, i doubt it'd be the same way if he were in any other house."

"except 'daddeh' malfoy probably would not have been very happy having a hufflepuff or gryffindor son" hermoine snickered, while pronouncing the word daddy the way they had heard draco say it atleast thrice each month.

this made luna breakout into a laugh until the 2 girls reached the crowd,

"pottah, pottah what is this then?" luna asked in her draco voice, implying towards the crowd formed around him

"OH MY GO- YOU WILL NOT-" semus began screaming excitedly at luna, followed with the excited chorus of many other gryffindors

"right- FIRE- WOAH WOAH" 



"oh my god, this is..." hermoine began

"..interesting" luna finished, looking upon the sight of the crowd of teenage boys going somewhat bezerk over whatever it is that was layed upon them, one thing was for sure it was regarding harry. (none of them were surprised by this though)

"ah, its just- harry. new firebolt. 13 year old boys going waa waa. ready to do things to harry even just to get a ride." fred explained briefly to the two girls as he walked up to them and noticed their wide eyes at the scene unfolding in front of them.

luna noticed the taller boy wearing his quidditch attire and remembered of the scheduled match between ravenclaws and gryffindors the same day

"-er, yeah right okay. move it finnigan, you're drooling over the food" luna said finally pushing through the crowd and taking a seat on her usual seat in front of harry and ron

"yeah, seamus. let luna through. hey, how are you?" dean asked while taking a seat next to the girl

"oh im just amazing, what about you? how was your christmas?" luna asked with a bright smile

"good good! i heard you stayed? i won't lie, i wanted to too once i heard you were staying back at hogwarts" dean said while kindly putting two pieces of pineapple on a plate and handing it over to luna. she returned the gesture with a tight lipped smile but could not help and eternally groan over the fact that she had to eat pineapples for breakfast now, she would much rather go for a toast or strawberry.

"well yeah, all my friends were here. besides it was fun really, i enjoyed the day so much!" 

"im glad, im so sorry but did something happen between ron and granger? its just they've been giving each other such angry glances ever since ya'll sat down" dean asked while looking at ron who was busy glaring at the bushy haired girl who simply rolled her eyes at his attitude,

"right, harry could've gotten his firebolt a lot earlier if only you had just kept your mouth shut" luna heard ron grumble

"right, im soooo sorry for being a good and concerned friend to harry and making sure there was nothing wrong with the gift he had gotten from a complete stranger about whom we have no information on" hermoine responded, it was known among the gryffindors how hermoine would worry over the smallest things. naturally when harry had gotten his firebolt as a present on christmas, one without a senders name; hermoine had immediatly reported it to their house head and asked for a look-over to check any faults in the broom so that harry wouldn't get hurt or cursed in any way.

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