chapter 21: verbal snogging

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"WHAAA- what?" luna quickly got up and looked around warily, until she realised what had just been said to her, 

xavier ate all my cookies? aren't i with the weasley's right now? how in the world would he get here? she thought to herself

"aaand she's up, told ya it would work" george told ginny whilst he grinned at luna who irritatedly rolled her eyes at him before preparing to go back to bed

"uh- no you are not, we've to get down for breakfast in about..5 minutes" ginny quickly tossed luna's blanket far beyond her reach while luna whined but begrudgingly got up. only then did george realise her choice of clothing. she was wearing a black tank top with shorts which had small snitches drawn all over it, somehow her somewhat tousled bed hair added to the look only making george scream internally more and more

"cute shorts, adams" he said with a smirk

"thanks! i knew you'd like it" and she took her stack of clothes that she was going to change into and walked over to the bathroom with her brush in hand and towel hanging over her shoulder.

"your flirt attempt would've been taken more satisfactorily if only she wasn't so sleepy" hermione commented as she walked in, having already changed and freshened up, ready to go down for breakfast.


after luna had brushed, taken a shower and changed she headed down for a very sleepy breakfast with the rest of the weasley's, except bill and charlie since they got to sleep in as they could apparate, unlike the rest who weren't of age.

upon leaving and saying their goodbyes to mrs weasley, fred and george were met with yet another 'molly scold session' for attempting to sneak one of their products with them in their pockets. 

although, luna absolutely loved the woman with all her heart she couldn't help but feel bad for the twins after witnessing the scene of her throwing the last of their products that they had spend all summer making. she understood how molly being their mother would be irritated but she genuinely believed that the twins' ideas were absolutely brilliant. 

she felt quite grateful that she had snuck in a little of a few of their products inside her bag, knowing how they'd atleast have a prototype in case they decide to remake the same products.

"quit being so wee-wee, both of you"

"wee-wee?" fred asked confused, as the group walked towards wherever it was that arthur was taking them

"yes, wee-wee" george chuckled, having understood the context

"yes, stop. or i won't share my stash of original weasley products with you two" luna swung a medium sized pink bag in her hand that jingled with the sound of the variety of candies inside


"no you did not-" george took the bag and opened it to see a plethora of their products and then excitedly showing it to fred

"merlin, luna what would we do without you-

some of these products we made so spontaneously just by experimenting that we aren't even sure of the ingredients or charms used, this is going to help so much!" fred exclaimed and wrapped her in a tight hug that almost made her cough out her breakfast, while george rifled though her bag-

"you're so brilliant, i could kiss you right now-" george quickly stopped himself upon realising that he wasn't just thinking it, but rather saying it out loud. 

"kids! hurry along, we have some more walking to do and we won't reach by the time scheduled at this pace!" mr weasley screamed out, somehow saving both george and luna by giving them an excuse to avoid what had just happen and also their fuming red, blushing faces and simply hurrying along to catch up with the fast pacing group.


"mione, i swear he said that!" luna told her best friend as they walked over to their appointed bunk beds in the tent that they were all staying in.

the group had used a manky portkey upon meeting mr diggory, cedric and xavier near it and  reached the ground where the festivities were to be held.

"do you think he does these things to make fun of the fact that i've had a weird crush on him since i was a tiny first year, perhaps?" 

"oh please, if anything he is worse than you. that boy is as much, if not more into you than you are" hermoine responded to the girl who was currently setting up her bed right above hermoine's

"well, that's just- everyone says so because we are close, doesn't mean he actually is" 

"he literally shares everything with you. has he ever mentioned liking another person?"

"no but-" 


"i mean, alicia and him seem close and everything. maybe he likes her and just the idea of me and him being romantically involved is so beyond his believes that he does not even care about all the incessant shipping, all of ya'll do of me and him"

"you know what i think, luna?"

"oh man i know that voice, im gonna get insulted so hard-"

"i think that you're an idiot, despite being weirdly smart enough to do well in school and genuinely saving our asses from some rather dangerous situations, that came as a return gift for being best friends with the chosen one. i think you are absolutely brain-dead and do not know the difference between left and right"

"wow, this hasn't happened in a while."

"i know right, good night" hermoine sternly said as she wrapped her blanket around herself having been tired of all the walking and also since they had gone about meeting others and exploring the grounds after.

"night, mione" luna too tucked herself in

~about 7 minutes later~

"yo." luna spoke up

"what?" hermoine asked as she stared at the back of luna's bed right above her

"cannot sleep"



"know what lunz? i love you, thanks for existing"

"i fucking love you too, i'd be dead without you"


"can you both shut your traps and verbally snog tomorrow? im trying to sleep here!" ron screamed out from the bunk bed across theirs, that he shared with harry.

"oh" the 2 girls said

~about 7 more minutes later~

"ron?" harry called out from his bed, which was above ron's


"i love you, man"

"pfft,please. 'stop snogging' who's talking now?" luna spoke out to which hermoine chuckled

"love you harry" ron lightly whispered.

"fuck it, i love all of ya'll" ron spoke out

"ronald, aw. we love you too" hermoine said

"i don't." luna said in a serious tone

"same" harry agreed with a laugh

"sod off"

and with that the quartet finally fell asleep.


a/n: wanted to write a cute golden quartet segment

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