The whiskey

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Alexandria's Pov
I woke up to the sound of the garbage truck making its way down the shitty neighborhood I lived in, sadly at the moment it was all I can afford. It was were hookers came and left, were so called rockstars hung out, were drug dealers sold there crap, and so on.

I got up from my bed and made my way to the restroom and did my morning routine which consisted of brushing my teeth and taking a shower. As I felt the hot water trikle down my back my phone had gotten a voicemail.

-HEY ALEXANDRIA were the fuck are you man, you had to be here an hour ago blah blah blah-

I swore I had just pissed my self, I had totally forgotten that I had switched my shift with Jade at the bar if I get there late another time I'd surely be fired

"Fuck" I got out of the shower and put on a black dress and a leather jacket with some black converse and made my way out of my apartment and into my 1965 black camaro. As I drove into sunset blvd. I saw what I dreaded the most hookers, it's no that I hated them I was actually good friends with them my friend Amber was one she very close to me, it hurts to see her sell herself to people she doesn't know but I don't tell her anything cause it's her life.

I parked in the whiskey's parking lot or at least what looked like it, I was nervous because I know Rick would go all King Kong on me since I was two hours late. "HeyAlex"
Jade said to me as I walked in,
"Hey jade we're is Rick?"
"In his office probably, wankin off"
"Ha, okay I gotta talk to him, thanks!"
"No problem"
*knock, knock*

"Come in Alexandria"

"Um hey Rick sor-

"Save it, I'm not firing you because your one of my best workers but if it happens again I'm cutting your pay!"

"Oh um thanks Rick, I'll get going"

"Wait, make sure everything is set for later a new rock or heavy metal band I should say is coming to perform"

"Really who?"

"They're named Guns N' Roses"

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