Pregnacy test

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Alexandrias pov

I got up feeling the need to throw up. I quickly shot up and out of the bed, scaring duff awake. I ran to the restroom and quickly hurled over the toilet throwing up. I heard duff quickly run to my side holding my hair to the side.

"Baby are you okay, are you sick, do you need anything?" Duff said getting me a cup of water.

"No, I'm fine babe thank you" I said getting up and realizing that I was still naked from the night before. I walked into the bedroom and quickly went to the closet to find a change of clothes.

"Babe are you really okay?" Duff said making sure.

"Yes I just forgot me and Lila had plans that's all."

"Oh well when will you be back?"

"Um I don't know but I'll call you bye." I said putting on my shoes and giving him a peck on the cheek.

I went downstairs and got on the cellphone calling Lilas number.

"Lila please meet me at the coffee shop, I need my best friend right now please." I said before the beep rang.

I ran through the front door getting a few looks from Steven and axl.

"What's up with her?" I heard them say behind me.

I got my keys and drove off in a rush. I needed to talk to Lila.

I got to the coffee shop and ordered a regular coffee. I waited for my coffee and saw the blonde I had been waiting to see. I had just gotten my coffee and went to go sit at the table she had just sat in.

"Lila thank god I need to talk to you"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just so scared i don't know what to do, I don't know, I just i-"

"Alex what's wrong?" Lila said showing concern.

"I-I. I think I'm pregnant." The words I had been dreading to say since well this morning had finally managed to come out.

"What, that's amazing Alex!" Lila said as she grew a smile on her face.

"I still haven't taken a test yet so there's a 50/50 chance."

"It's duffs right?" Lilia said in a serious tone.

"Well duh" I said laughing.

"Well let's go get your baby test." Lila said throwing her hands up in the air.

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