The performance of a lifetime

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Duff's Pov

"Hurry the fuck up slash we have to be there at eleven and it's twelve were already fucking late man"

"Dude calm down just have a cool time, well get here when we get there"

"Whatever man"

Honestly I hate it when slash acts like everything's fine when it's not, we have a show to be at and were already late.

I went back into the small house we were currently renting in downtown L.A to see axl sleeping and Steven and izzy no where to be found!

Are you fucking kidding me?

I got a glass of water and threw it on axl, despite his temper I know he'd be okay with it.


"Wake up we have to go to the whiskey were already late, and while your at go find izzy and Steven."

Alexandria's Pov

It was about eleven when we finished getting everything in its place, when I leave this place I'll honestly miss it I've meet many people here, the whiskey has been with me ever since I moved to L.A and its hard to imagine my life without it.
Me and jade danced around to Joan Jett's 'I love rock n' roll' for what seemed forever. It was fifteen till one and these so called Guns N' Roses hadn't even arrived yet. It was there first gig at the whiskey and they were late.


Duff's Pov

I was driving down sunset blvd. and saw a large amount of people entering the whiskey, and I automatically had a sick feeling in my stomach. I mean I might be a bass player but I'm still performing in front of people that can make us or break us.

Steven said happily as I stopped the engine and took out the keys. Steven I don't know how he does it but he's always happy and I don't know why? We got out of the car and got our gutairs and shit and started to head through the crowd of people to the back door.


Alexandria's Pov

*knock knock*

"Hey lila can you get the back door I think it may be them"

"Argh, why can't you get it?"

"I'm pretty tied up here as you can't see"
I said as I poured drinks for people angrily asking for a so called 'sex on the beach'.

"Hi I'm lila, um you can unload your stuff backstage, you better hurry your asses up cause these people have been waiting a lifetime"


Duff's Pov

Axl knocked on the rusty back door and in less then a minute the door flew open to reveal a blonde blue eyed girl which seemed to have no interest in us but only in axl, and it seemed axl had interest for her to.

Lila the blonde from before took us backstage and showed us around, and got us some drinks and told us about the place. I was zoning out thinking about absolutely nothing but vodka until I heard this loud obnoxious voice singing to start me up by the Rolling Stones. You can tell by her voice she was having a good time, but she sounded no where near drunk. Lila said it was time for us to start playing so we got into our places, then all the lights went out and there was only a lights on us, if never get use to this having attention only on us. How could you?

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