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Duffs Pov

I was driving around town with Ann we had been kicked out of stores almost nine times already.

"So we're do you wanna get kicked out of now?" I said looking to her.

"I'm not sure, maybe we can go home and I don't know..." She put her hand on my crotch making me look at her with a smirk. It took no hesitation to make a U turn and go to the house.

We got out of the car with out lips connected as we struggled to get to the door. I struggled to open the door but after a few minutes it budged open. We didn't close the door because of how into the make out session we were in. She started to kiss down my neck, and I started to take off her shirt. I layed her down on the kitchen table kissing her from her neck to her boobs.

"Holy shit!, guys look it's a free porno!"
I stood up and Turned around as Alexandria sat up on the table wide eyed.

"Nice bra Alex." Slash winked and smiled. I grabbed Ann and pushed her gently behind me to hide her almost naked chest.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked nervously.

"We're robbing the place.
You dumbass we live here." Axl said sarcastically.

"Damn you guys were so close!" Izzy said slouching on the couch.

"I'm never gonna forget this shit!" Steven said excitedly.

I looked at the guys not knowing what to say. I looked back at Ann who was as red as a tomato.she was hiding her face in my neck as she wrapped her arms around my chest.

"Can you guys like turn around?"

"Fine whatever man." Slash said as all of the guys turned around to give and Alexandria time to go into my room.

I grabbed her and pulled her in front of me covering her with my jacket, and going into my room. 
We both fell onto the bed looking at the ceiling.

"Well that was...."

"Unexpected." Alexandria said laughing.

"Yea, way unexpected."

We both looked at each other and started laughing uncontrollably. After it died down we stared at each other.

"You wanna just stay in here all day?" I asked her bringing her closer to me.

"After what happened, yea."


Alexandria's Pov

Me and duff ordered pizza looking out the window every five minutes or so. So we could call the pizza guy over, not wanting to face the guys after out little incident earlier....

I went and sat in the corner of his room looking through his records. I pulled one out from his collection. Zeppelin.
Duff had his head out the window looking around and bringing it back in.

"So I see you found my stash." Duff said walking up to me and putting his hands on my waist.

"Yes I did Mr. Mckagan." I said as I put my hands around his neck and was going in to kiss him when the bell rang.
God damn it.

Me and duff stood still waiting for one of the guys to answer but hearing none of them make a sound.

Duff broke our embrace and opened his bedroom door and peaked his head out as did I.

"I don't think there here or maybe there asleep" duff said looking down at me.

"Or unconscious." I said as I crawled out the door and stood up walking through the house to see no one. I looked back at duff who was no where to be found.

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