Waffle house

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Duffs Pov

The nearest Waffle House was about an hour or two away,making it three if we had any problems getting there. Alexandria was still in my clothes and I wanted to take her home to change into something more comfortable, but she said it was fine. After waiting almost an hour for everyone to get ready, we started loading the car. It was really tight in the car barely allowing us to move. Me and alexandria were in the front, slash, izzy, Steven, and axl with Lila on his lap.
We barely had enough oxygen in that damn box of a car. The ride was full of questions that seemed to be very irritating for me.

"Hey, duffs girlfriend, what's your name?" Slash said while smoking a cigarette.
Alexandria looked back from her seat and smiled.
"Alexandria" she said being content.
"That's a really pretty name" Steven said laughing.
"Can we call you Alex, it's to loong" izzy said in a childish way, earning a giggle from 'alex'.
"Sure I don't see why not." She said.

I looked in the rear view mirror to find axl and Lila making out, like some damn teenagers. This is what bothered me with axl sure he was my best friend and all but he's had so many girls in the past, and I'm pretty sure Lila's gonna be another one to pass. Just as we were turning on a green light the damn car broke down in the middle of the street. Are you fucking kidding me man?


Alexandria's Pov

I got to know the guys a lot better especially Steven and slash, they were very odd but In a good way. Izzy not so much, he was more to him self. Axl well he was just sucking face with Lila the whole ride. We had suddenly stopped, and I had turned look at duff to find his head on the wheel.

"Fuck!" He said while punching the wheel making in honk.

"What happened?" I said trying not to anger him more than he already was.

"The fucking car just turned off!" He yelled quietly.

"Well man if you guys didn't burn my fucking car, we wouldn't be in this shit!"!axl said. That was the most I had heard him talk this whole time. Soon enough everyone started arguing.

"Hey, God damn it!" I yelled, earning each of there attention.

"I'll fix the car." I said calmly looking outside.

"You can fix a car?" Steven said questioningly.

"Well yeah, my dad used to have a shop to fix cars, and stuff so he thought me some things" I said looking at them.

"Okay well come on with me" duff said getting out of the car. As I did the same.

"Okay babe show me what you got!" Duff said smiling at me.

"Well, here goes nothing"

After about and hour of being in the hot sun and being soaking with sweat, I had finally finished fixing the car with of course the help of duff.

"That's pretty cool" he said, after closing the hood.

"What being able to fix a car?" I said laughing and siting on the hood while he did the same.

"Yea i mean I can barely fix a tire" he laughed.

"Your laugh is cute" I blurted out. I didn't mean to say that but I did, and caused me to hunched my back in embarrassment.

Duff looked at me "thanks" he said in thought.

"You know when I was younger I used to be made fun of all the time for being so tall, I had always pray to God to make me shorter but he only made me taller. But at the end of the day I realized something that I was always gonna be looking down on them and they'd be looking up at me"

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