The new and the old pt.1

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Alexandria's pov

I woke up besides duff on the sofa. Everyone was already awake and causing the daily chaos. Duff was still asleep or passed out I guess.
"Hey Alex I was wondering if you wanted to go looking for a house with me today?" Axl asked eating a piece of bread.
"Um sure, who else is going?" I said getting up and going to the restroom with axl following me.
"Well everyone else is doing there own shit I don't know about duff, so ya know whatever." He said as I closed the door to the restroom, to brush my teeth.
When I finished I opened the door and axl wasn't there but duff was.
"Good morning beautiful" he said as he kissed me.
"Good morning" duff got my hand and led me to the restroom with him and shut the door.
"What are you doing" I said laughing and sitting on the toilet seat that was closed.
"Brushing my teeth?" Duff said giving me a funny look.
"Well duh, but like later on today?" I said rolling my eyes and getting up to hug him from behind.
"Probably nothing unless Steven wants me to go with him to go buy some more drum sticks with him, why?"
"Well axl wanted me to go help him look for a house, and I was wondering if you wanted to come."
"We'll have to wait and see" he said kissing me passionately.
"I love you" I said in between our short kisses.
"I love you more" he said pulling me closer to him.

"I need to fucking piss come on man!" I heard slash say from the other end of the door.
"Alright, hold on!" Duff said grabbing my hand and opening the door.
"It's about god damn time I almost pissed my self." Slash said closing the door behind him.
Me and duff went to the kitchen were everyone was sitting at the dining room table eating.
"So Steven do you need me for anything today?" Duff said sitting down on the only empty chair left, leaving no room for me to sit with the rest of them. Duff grabbed me by the waist and sat me down on his lap causing me to blush and hide my face in his untamed teased hair.
"Well actually I wanna but more drum sticks then I wanna go see if my stuffs is ready." Steven replied.
Stuff, what stuff was he talking about, I mean is it his drugs? Lately steven had been using more and I was starting to get really worried, it seemed as if he couldn't breath without that crap. I mean I'm not really big on heroine but I know that Steven was, and I just wanted to help him before it got worse.
"Oh well I guess I'll go with you, babe sorry I can't go with you and axl." Duff said kissing me on the neck.
"It's fine" I said leaning my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. We sat there for awhile everyone talking and laughing. While I just ignored all the commotion, when I felt a hard bump underneath my ass. I opened my eyes and looked at duff. Who seemed to be talking about gum or something.
"Hey babe I think your friend needs some maintenance" I whispered into duffs ear causing him to go quiet and turn as red as sofa in the living room.
"Well damn duff, I haven't seen you all in love in shit since well, ever!" Axl said drinking some orange juice and laughing.
"Still in the honeymoon phase or the we just had sex face?" Steven said winking towards me and duff.
"Oh shut up guys leave us alone" I said laughing and rolling my eyes at there ridiculousness.
I got up and went to duffs room to get ready to go house shopping for axl.
"Hey babe, you um changing" duff said cautiously entering the room.
"Nope I'm just putting on my face that's all" I said putting on my mascara.
"You don't need all that shit, your already beautiful."
"Oh shut up." I said hitting duffs arm. He grabbed me while doing so and pulled me up to him.
"I'm serious, I want you to know that your the most beautiful girl in the world and nothing will ever make me see or think different." He said while kissing me.
"I really don't know how you do it, I somehow fall in love with you more and more every minute I'm with you." I said kissing him back.
"Did you take care of your little friend?" I said taunting him.
"No but maybe you can"he said laying me on the bed.
"Maybe, but then maybe not" I said grabbing his hair and twirling it around my fingers.
"Hey Alex, are you almost done!" Axl yelled throughout the house.
"But maybe later." I said getting up and leaving duff with a disappointment and a boner.


Duffs pov

God I love her so damn much.
I've never felt this way before, and I just don't know how to react every time I see her. I feel calm but then I also feel my heart beat so fast it just might come out of my body. I admit I do get boners at the wrong time especially this time when I can't do anything about it. I mean I can but I rather have my you know girlfriend here with me ha know? It feels weird calling her my girlfriend, I've never really settled down with anyone before and that scares me, but I like it. I'm prepared for any challenge because I know I'll overcome it if I have her by my side. Wow that sounded gay, but it's the truth so why lie right? I sound like such a girl right now, I need some vodka.

"DUUUFFFFF, LETS GO GET SOME MOTHERFUCKING DOPE MAN" Steven yelled busting through my room.
"God damn it Steven, you need to take care of your god damn problem dude." I said grabbing my leather jacket and keys. The whole ride Steven was quiet, I didn't mean to make him feel bad, it's just that he's been using a lot lately and of course it makes all of us worry like hell.


Guys I'm very sorry I've been slow on my updates I've been a bit busy, but now I'm not so I'll be writing a lot more! 💓

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