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Alexandria's pov

It had been three days since I had caught Steven in the restroom and let me tell you something I've been watching him like a hawk. I guess I'm just a bit worried for him, I mean I am the only one in this household that knows about it. My thoughts were interrupted by duff.

"Hey babe" duff said accompanying me on the ripped couch in the living room.
"Hey" I said putting my head on his shoulder.
"You know now that we got our record deal and shit, we can finally go through in buying the house." Duff said excitedly.
"Really that's amazing, you guys deserve some place nicer" I said taking his hands in mine.
"You wanna go out tonight just you and me?" Duff asked.
"Id love that, what time?"
"Right now it's only ten thirty."
"Okay hold on" I said rushing into duffs room. I had boughten more clothes from my apartment since I didn't really know till when id be staying here.  I changed into a black sequined dress and put on my black heels. I was already wearing makeup so there wasn't a need to do it again.  As I walked out of the room I saw all the guys sitting in the living room doing God knows what.
"Hey Alex, were are you going?" Izzy said in a creepy voice.  I looked at duff to see what I should do but nothing I got nothing.
"Me and duff are gonna go out." I said getting my red leather jacket out.
"Oh let's go guys, the rainbow?" Slash said.  Me and duff just sighed and looked at each other. We all walked out walking 10 blocks doing nothing but talk. We had picked up Lila on the way, I felt as if I hadn't seen her in forever so I guess it was a good idea for everyone to come.  We walked behind the guys for awhile just talking about clothes and our love life's basically what best friends would talk about. After walking for a long ass time we had finally made it to the rainbow.

Duffs Pov

I took a hell of along time to get to the rainbow, maybe it was because I was so inpatient to get a drink in my hand. We had picked up Lila on the way cause axl insisted to pick up his newly girlfriend. I'd casually look back trying to catch a glimpse of alexandria for as long as I could. She was just so beautiful I loved everything about her, everything. Her and Lila were very close I could tell just by the way they'd joke about things that weren't even close to funny but then again they'd known each other since grade school. When we finally arrived at the rainbow me and And the guys went straight to the bar me getting a vodka of course. We looked back and saw that lila and alexandria were dancing together in the crowd. Me and the guys sat down at the farthest table in the club. It had been awhile since we all had came here. Usually we just bought drinks and drank them at home. I had finished three glasses of vodka, and soon found myself sitting with axl. The rest of the guys had girls all around them. Me and axl talked about our album that was soon coming out appetite for destruction. It was the most kick ass album I've ever made and of course the first. I had to take a leak so I got up and made my way to the restroom, but found it being blocked by a platinum blonde girl with a horrible tan and what seemed like a hickey on her neck that she tried to cover up?

"Hey big boy, what you say we get out of here, just me and you." She 'seductively' said I to my ear.

"Um no fucking thanks." I said trying to get past her but she wouldn't let me.

"Oh come on, you know you want a piece of this honey." She revealing her cleavage even more if it was even possible.

"Like I said n-"
She smashed her caked lipstick lips on mine trying to get me to kiss her back forcefully. I pushed her away in disgust, running to the restroom and washing that girls saliva off my face.
I made my way out of the restroom and into the rest of the club only to find alexandria dancing in some other dude.
Man, I was fucking pissed, I could have gotten a beer bottle and smashed it against that guy's head if it weren't for the fact I'd possibly kill him.  Didn't mean I wasn't gonna hurt him. I walked up to them catching none of there attention.
I grabbed the guys collar and punched him in the temple, knocking him out.
"You dumb fuck." I said looking down at him. Everyone had there eyes on me now seeing that I gave a guy a concussion.
"Duff what the hell?" Alexandria said looking to me at disbelief.  I took her arm and dragged her out of the club not caring the looks I got.
"Ow! LET GO OF ME!" She said as she yanked her arm out of my grip.
"What the hell was that huh?" I asked angrily as I followed her into an alley.
"Oh so you get to question me, but I don't get to question you, you god damn cheater!" She pushed me back.
"What are you talking about?" I said a bit taken back.
"I saw you with that girl duff, I should've known from the start that'd you be like a going around sucking other girls faces!" She yelled out.
"That's not what happened I swear!" I said walking towards.
"Whatever duff that's what you say now but what will you say when i catch you again with one of your fucking groupies." She said walking away to God knows were.

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