Party pt.1

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Alexandria's Pov

Me and duff had been together for quite awhile now, five months to be exact. To think that I'd known this guys for almost a year was surprising. Axl and Lila had called it off saying they wanted different things and all this crap, but all of us knew it was something else. They still had some connections though, if you know what I mean.  I had became really good friends with all of the guys. They told me a lot about themselves, some things a girl shouldn't hear, but I was able to bear it.  The guys had been going to the studio recording there songs so they'd be able to release there album soon. They'd been signed with geffen records. I remember the look on there faces when they had found out about it, they looked like nine year olds learning how to ride a bike. I had been modeling for awhile now and I loved it I got an amazing paycheck. People even started to call me a celebrity but I didn't see it that way.  Currently I'm on my way to me and Lila's shared apartment. I had told duff I had to go back cause well it was were I lived. Even though I loved it over there I missed home and of course Lila.


Duffs Pov

We were at the recording studio finishing up the last details on our album.
It felt great knowing we were going somewhere ya know? Axl seemed to be a bit off after he and Lila split but he said he was fine. He and Lila were still friends but I think it was worse for him cause Axl was the type of guy to get what he wanted when he wanted it and Lila was something he couldn't have but wanted. I had helped write numerous songs on the album but think about you was my favorite cause, it explained what I thought bought most of the time and of course that was alexandria. 


Alexandria's Pov

I unlocked the apartment door and entered to see Lila no where to be found. 
I went into the room that was supposed to be mine, but oddly it didn't feel like it. I sunk into the hard mattress and closed my eyes from the lack of sleep I've had these past few days.

"Look who's back." I opened my eyes and Lila stood over me crossed arms and a smirk on her face.

"Lila!" I said getting up and hugging her tight.

"What have you been up to?" I asked cheerfully.

"Nothing much out and about, you know the usual." She said calmly sitting next to me.

"And by out and about you mean with Axl?" I said obviously catching her in a red zone.


"Lila I know your sleeping with Axl." I said serious now.

"Oh, well I don't have much to say about it."

"Do you still like him?"

"Like him? God I adored the guy, but it was a struggle trying to understand him, so we settled with friends with benefits." She said smiling.


"Serious." She said looking at me.

"So got any plans later we could go out like old times?" She asked standing up.

"Um I'm not sure yet"

"Well tell me if you do." And with that she left going somewhere within the apartment we shared.

I continued trying to take a nap but was interrupted when my phone rang.

"What?" I asked harshly through the line.

"Sorry for calling babe." Duff.

"Sorry I was trying to take a nap, what's up?"

"It's fine, I was wondering if you and Lila wanted to come to a party with us. You see there throwing a party in honor of the album so I was wondering if you'd come as my date?" He asked nervously.

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