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Alexandria's pov

I woke up in a familiar area duffs bed to be exact. Oh how I missed his bed. He had his arms wrapped around me tightly, I slowly turned around to meet his angelic face. I watched him for a while how his chest rose and how his nose would twitch. I slowly kissed his forehead and slowly kissed his eyes, nose, cheeks, and lastly his soft lips. I was about to pull away when I felt him smile and kiss me back. The kiss was full of passion, and love just like the first.

"Love you" I said cuddling up to his chest.

"I love you to" he said tiredly.

We both went back to sleep for what seemed for seconds. I heard the door bust open but didn't dare move a muscle.

"WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKERS, ITS TIME TO GET PISS DRUNK!" slash yelled. I looked up to see his hands in the air with one carrying a bottle of jack.
I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"What time is it?"

"It's eight a clock, we should be hitting the streets hurry up." And with that slash left. Leaving me with a sleeping duff. Was he really that tired? I looked back to the bed and saw he wasn't their. Where'd he go? I got up and went inside the restroom to brush my teeth and well the usual. I was interrupted by the noise of heavy breathing from what seemed was coming from the shower.
I pulled the curtain to see duff rocking himself back and forth crying. I rapidly sat down taking him in my arms.

"Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay, your okay." I said hugging him so tight his bones would break. He hugged my waist sobbing.

"Shhhhh" I rubbed his back, until his breathing went back to normal. I lifted up his face.

"Duff what's wrong?"

"Nothing" he said he said looking dull.

"Duff, I know something wrong tell me, I can help you." I said reassuring him.
He got up quickly leaving me on the floor.

"It's nothing." He said getting up and leaving the restroom.


Duffs pov

I don't know what happened, well I do but I don't. I get these panic attacks out of no where. It sucks I don't talk about it, it just bothers me knowing control it. I had one unexpectedly just like all the others. I'm glad slash didn't say anything when he came into the room and saw me run out. I don't know how to tell Ann I feel like she'll treat me differently or see me as a person with a sickness or something.  I went into my room laying down on the bed.

"Hey man you alright?" Slash said sitting down on the edge of the bed.


"You know your gonna have to tell her about it sooner or later."

"I know, I'm just... Skeptical I guess."

"Don't worry about to much man."
"We're gonna go to the rainbow you guys should come and just let loose." He patted my back and left.
I got up and got dressed into a black button up and some leather pants with my boots, and a bandana around my neck. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for alexandria so I could explain you know the thing...

Alexandria's pov

I walked into duffs room uneasy looking for some clothes I left here. Not knowing duff was in the room.

"Ann" I turned around meeting eyes with duff.

"I need to tell you something." He said serious. Was he breaking up with me? Did he cheat? Oh god did I do something.

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