The new and the old pt. 2

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Alexandria's pov
"So we're are talking gonna look for houses?" I asked axl as he drives to God only knows were.
"Well I want it to be close to were we live now but I want to have a huge ass house ya know that we can afford it."

"So everyone's gonna be living In one roof?" I asked looking out the window.

"Well yea pretty much why?" Axl asked questionably.

"Oh I just thought everyone would live separately but I think living under one roof is better cause you stay together." I said looking back at him.
"So Alex, tell me about yourself." Axl said looking at the road.
"Well I mean I'm a year younger than duff, I know how to play the guitar, I can sing. My parents died when I was about seven and when I was 16 I runaway to California, and now I'm here." I said looking back at the horrible past I had.
"Wow so your all alone no family?" Axl said parking I front of a mansion that read for sale.
"Basically I've lost all contact with them and I tend to keep it that way" I said opening the car door along with Axl doing the same.
"Don't mind if I ask but why'd you want me to come look at houses with you?" I said walking with him towards the mansion.
"Well I like to know who duffs with, you see I'm very close to him and well I don't know you as well as everyone else." Axl said opening the door to the large estate.
"Oh well I guess you know about me now than you did yesterday" I laughed looking around the maze of a house.

"Yea" Axl laughed disappearing in the house leaving me to wander on my own.
This house was huge it had a basement the main floor then the second floor along with an attic. It had a few acres perfect for parties and perfect for these guys. It also has a killer pool. I went outside and sat in the chair that faced the mountains and trees of the estate.
"Hey" Axl said sitting next to me
"Can I ask how'd your parents died?" Axl asked nervously.

"Well um, they died in a fire so um yea" I said looking down at my hands.
"Does duff know?"

"Yes but we never talk about my family cause there's no need to" I said snapping back.

"So, um I think I like this house, I think I'll tell the guys and see how it goes." He said staying up and waitin for me to do the same.
"It's a nice house" I said walking behind him.
"Yea it has eight bedrooms with six bathrooms it should be nice for the price" Axl chuckled as we got in the car and drove back home im guessing?
"So Alex do you like duff" Axl said looking at me seriously.

"Um yes?" I said awkwardly

"Do you love him" Axl said smiling at me.

"I think so, actually I know so" I said smiling to myself.

"Good I think my little interview is done" Axl said pulling up in the drive way to the house the guys currently lived in.
"Now can i ask you something?"

"Sure anything." Axl said looking to me.

"When you go into your room, I hear a lot of breaking and yelling and I ju-"

"Don't worry about that I get a little clumsy that's all" he said laughing and getting out of the car as I did the same.
I knew he was lying cause there's no way he'd have not one scratch on him if he's as clumsy as he claims. I let that conversation go and enter the house along with Axl. Duff was in the kitchen drinking, izzy on the sofa, slash on the floor with his guitar and Steven was no where to be found.

"So how'd house hunting go, find anything?" Slash asked

"Well Axl said he liked this house he said talk to you guys about it so um yea." I said going up to duff and drinking some of his vodka.
"Hey!" Duff said poking my side, and bringing me closer to him. I slowly leaned in as he did the same.

"Look duff and Alex are sucking face" Axl said pointing at us and laughing while izzy and slash laughed along. We broke the kiss and I hid my face in duffs chest, feeling my checks burn.

"So about the house it has eight bedrooms, six bathrooms and I think we should get it!" Axl said excitedly.
I slipped out of duffs grip and went into the restroom. Hitting something while opening the door. What the hell? I thought o my self as I looked over to see an overdosed Steven and several needles and what seemed like heroin everywhere.
"Oh my god Steven!" I said as I quickly closed the door. I got a towel and quickly wet it putting it on his face. I quickly flushed his shit in the toilet not caring if he killed me or not. I held the towel to his head for awhile. Until he started to wake up.
"Steven?. Oh god thank you!" I said smiling.
"What happened?" Steven said carefully sitting up.
"Well you overdosed and I found you here" I said looking at him.
"Oh shit, please don't tell the guys please!" Steven said clinging to me.
"What why? They need to know Steven." I said detaching him from me.
"No they can't know I told them I've been in clean from herion for awhile only duff knows" he said looking scared.

"So your an addict to herion?"

"I guess" Steven said looking down.

"Listen Steven i won't tell but you have to promise to try and be clean for awhile" I said gaining his attention. He was crying, oh god.

"Thank you so much Alex you don't know how much this means!" Steven said hugging me.

"Were did it go?"

"I flushed it."

"Now come on I'll take you to your room and your gonna give me everything you have.

"Okay"Steven said taking me to his room.
Oh god, this is gonna be some show.

Steven literally pulled over a dozen packets from the most weirdest places ever, but they were all gone now.

"So Steven no more herion?" I asked him

"No more" he smiled at me.

"Thanks Alex" Steven hugged me tightly.

"I'm glad to help out a friend" I said hugging him back.

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