The Oppurtunity of a lifetime

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Alexandria's Pov

I woke up wrapped in duffs arms, we were fully clothed which gave me a sign of relief. I slowly made my way out of his arms and into the restroom. Me and Lila had been staying here with the guys for about three days now. I didn't miss home, I didn't even think about it one bit. I took off my clothes and turned on the water. I took a quick glance in the mirror and saw I had a small scratch hear the my hairline. I probably got it from that bitch Alyssa. I got into the shower and started cleaning myself up. I softly sang ''miss you' by the Rolling Stones. When I heard a loud thud in the room next to the restroom. I quickly finished my shower, and wrapped the towel around my body, and made my way to duffs room. Lila had brought me some of my clothes the other day along with hers. As I searched through my bag I found some denim high waisted shorts, a black crop top, and some classic converse. I changed in duffs room quickly. Before anyone barged in. I went to the kitchen to find everyone sitting down at the dining table except for axl. They didn't seem to notice me since they kept on with there conversation.

"Oh yeah I forgot we had a gig at the rainbow tonight!" I heard Steven say loudly while chewing on some food. I made my self more noticeable by walking further into the kitchen.
"Oh hey Alex! Want some pancakes?" Slash said holding a plate in the air.
"Oo definitely!" I said grabbing a plate and serving myself two pancakes. I sat down next to Lila, who looked half asleep smoking her cigarette.
"Are you okay?" I whispered to her.
"Yea, ginger boy kept me up all night" she said smirking to her self.
"Ugh gross." I said scrunching my face up in disgust.
"Hey Alex you wanna go see us play tonight at the rainbow Lila's going?" Duff said.
"Of course I'll come. What time?"
"It starts at twelve" he said excitedly
"I'll be there then" I said.
We all sat there quietly, when I heard another loud thud, somewhere in the house.
"What was that?" I said lighting a cigarette.
"Don't worry about, axl's just pissed cause they canceled our gig next Friday" slash said leaning back in his chair.
"So he has like anger problems?" I said unsure.
"Yea but we don't talk about it we just usually go with it unless it gets physical" he said.
"Oh" I said taking a drag from my cigarette.
"Hey Alex, you wanna go to the plazas today?" Lila asked.
"Um sure, let me just grab my bag." I soda getting up and throwing my plate away, and heading towards duffs room.
I kept hearing things collide with each other and loud curse words being said form what I'm guessing was axl's room. I tried to ignore it but couldn't help but wanna go in there and try to comfort him, but how? I sat in the bed for awhile thinking to myself. There's times were I get really sad and I honestly don't know why. I'll start to judge my self, and just cry. One time I had even stopped eating for two days. I had even self harmed once, but I don't do it anymore I've been clean for awhile.
"Hey, are you ready in there?" Lila knocked on the door. I grabbed my purse and opened the door, flashing a smile.
"Let's go" I said trying to cover up my uneasiness. Lila eyed me curiously.
We told everyone we'd be back before they left for the rainbow, and drove off in Lila's car to the plazas. Me and Lila made our way into our first store, Victoria secret.
"Oh my god Alex! You should totally buy this I bet duff would love it!" She said holding up a set of black lingerie.
"Lila, I'm not even sure if duff and I have had sex yet, and I don't know if he'd wanna have sex with me." I said grabbing the lingerie and putting it back in its place.
"Don't be such a prude, just buy it and wear it who care if he sees you in it or not!" She said putting it back in my hands.
"Alright fine!" I said holding it tighter. Me and Lila had boughten something similar. I always had thought I was to fat or to big, which always led to me thinking low of my self and I hated every bit of it. That's why I never really wore lingerie like the one Lila told me to get. Me and Lila had went to a couple more stores until we entered our final one. I had ended up buying a leather mini dress and some black tights to were for tonight's gig. Me and Lila went back to her vehicle.
"Hey A, you know that you can talk to me about anything right?" Lila said looking at me. She would call me A sometimes when the situation required it. I liked at her and sighed.
"I know, it's just that lately I've been feeling down about myself"
"You don't have to your absolutely beautiful, any person could see that and if they don't then there dumb as hell, okay?" She said smiling at me. I gave her a hug and smiled back. "Thank you" I said squeezing her tighter.
"Now let's go, or else we'll be late!" She said staring the engine. Once we got back the guys were leaving a note saying they were at the rainbow already and that they'd see us there. Me and Lila got dressed together, I decided to wear my new lingerie under the dress I bought earlier. Thinking of what Lila said. I put on a bit of makeup making sure not to look like a cake face. After me and Lila got dressed it was about eleven forty-five. "I have to say Alex we look pretty hot, even I'd do us" she said laughing.
"I totally agree" I said laughing with her. We got in the car and started heading towards the rainbow. I felt anxious for later on, what would duff think about my appearance? I wondered if we had, had sex the other night, and if we'd have sex for the first time or the second or not at all. We parked in the back of the rainbow not far from duffs car. We got out and immediately got looks from jealous girls and from guys that definitely didn't fit me or lila's league. We entered and quickly ordered some whiskey and vodka, making our way to the front of the stage right after getting our drinks. The lights started to dim out, and the 'most dangerous band in the world' made their way to the stage. They played absolutely amazing, all the head banging and adrenaline pumping through everyone's body. Me and duff would occasionally give each other glances, which would cause me to blush. Axl had even dedicated a new song called 'sweet child of mine' to Lila. I think they'd be amazing together. Me and Lila sat in a booth towards the end of the 'club'. We had a few drinks and talked, when a man with all smiles interrupted our conversation.
"Excuse me, you are just so beautiful, I couldn't help but come over here and ask you a question?" The man asked me.
"Um sure, what did you want to ask?" I said politely.
"Well darling, I work for a company that takes beautiful girls and makes them into models, and I just like to know if you were interested in taking on modeling cause your absolutely stunning!"
I almost chocked on my drink, did he say modeling? Well I thought I looked good tonight but not that good.
"Um can you give me a moment please?" I said nervously looking to Lila.

"Of course honey I'll be here waiting for your answer, by the way my names Rickey" he said walking away and making his way towards the bar.

"You dumb bitch, why didn't you say yes!" Lila said hitting me in the shoulder.
As I was about to answer the guys had cam and sat down with us. Of course duff sat next to me, causing me to feel nervous.
"So what did we miss!" Izzy said drinking some of his whiskey.
"Well a man came up to alexan-"
"What the fuck, did he touch you, what he say?" Duff said examining my body.
"Calm down duff he was gay!" I said slightly embarrassed.
"He just cam and offered me a modeling job" I said calmly.
"You should take it Alex, I think you'd be a great model!" Slash said pointing at me the whole time.
"Aw thanks slash that's really sweet" I said smiling.
"So are you gonna take it or what?" Axl said impatiently.
"Well yea, I think I'd be a lot better than working at a bar."
"Well whatever you do we'll support you one hundred percent!" Duff said kissing my cheek.
"Well alright then, I'm gonna go talk to him, wish me luck!" I said walking backwards and accidentally bumbling into a worker.
"Oh shit sorry, I'm so sorry" I said grabbing ahold of the guy. I looked back at the guys and Lila and saw them laughing there asses off at my clumsiness.
I rolled my eyes and made my way to Rickey who was still at the bar. I softly tapped in his shoulder.
"Rickey I thought about your offer and I'd like to take the job!" I said excitedly.

"That's amazing! Here's my card, give me your number and I'll call you as soon as I get an offer! I promise your gonna make it big!" He said hugging me tightly.
"Thank you very much!" I said smiling at him.

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