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Alexandrias pov

"Hey babe does this look good?" I said turning to duff, who was sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette facing me.

"You look beautiful." He said getting up and wrapping his arms around my waist, as he put his cigarette to my lips waiting for me to take a drag from it. So did.
I turned around and hugged him putting my head to his chest and taking a deep breath. We stood there in each others arms for a few minutes until slash barged through our bedroom door.

"Oh um..., duff were gonna go get some drinks for the party, are u gonna come or?" I looked at duff and smiled at him.
"Go duff." I said holding his hand.

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yes I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Don't worry Alex, he'll come back in one piece!" Slash said as he walked out with duff. After all of the guys left I went downstairs and lit a cigarette. I grabbed the telephone and called Lila.



"Ugh it's you."

"What's wrong?"

"You idiot, you didn't tell me you were moving out!"

"Lila I'm sorry it was last minute."

"Whatever Alex."

"Wait don't hang up!"


"Are you coming to the party the guys are throwing?"


"Please come Lila I miss you in sorry!"

"Fine, only cause your my best friend."

And with that she hung up.

Duffs pov

"Ann babe I'm back!" I said yelling from the kitchen.

"Shut up man, I have a fucking hangover!" Axl said holding his head in his hands.
I rolled my eyes and lit a cigarette, looking around the semi empty house, as my eyes landed on Ann. I smiled and walked up to her and gave her a kiss.

"So what time does the party start?"

"Everyone should start getting here around well now." Steven said sitting on the marble counter.

Alexandrias pov

There was a lot more people than expected here at the party. Nikki sixx was here joe perry and of corse Steven Tyler, Sebastian Bach and of course some other people the guys knew. Lila still hadn't gotten here yet and well I just really wanted her to get here already.
I walked into the kitchen and pulled my black mini skirt down as I got a beer from the fridge.

"Hey beautiful!" I turned around and saw Sebastian leaning over the counter smirking at me.

"Well look who it is." I said walking towards the counter in the same position as Sebastian.
"Only wanna talk." Sebastian said raising his hands.


"Anything you want."

I got to know Sebastian in a way I didn't want to at first but now I actually see him as a friend. Which is something I never thought I'd do. I hadn't seen duff that whole time at the party so I stuck with him. Lila never came which made me pissed but I ignored it. It was probably four in the morning when everyone finally left or passed out. The whole place was trashed and it was gonna be a drag the next morning to clean it up. I was a bit drunk so everything was a bit of a daze but I could still count my surroundings. The guys were in there rooms with some girls they met. I went upstairs and into me and duffs room. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes and stepped in. I was about to wash my hair when I heard the bathroom door open.

"Duff is that you?"

I heard the door close again and just went back to taking a shower.  A few minutes later I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around me.

"Duff, do t do that you scared me!" I said turning around to meet his hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry baby." Duff said as he started to kiss my neck and then my breast.
I moaned quietly and grabbed duffs face and kissed him sloppily.I kissed his neck and left a few hickeys,I started to kiss down his chest and down to his member.
I started to suck him off and pump his member. He moaned as he started to twitch in my mouth, and came.
"Jump" I did as told and duff grabbed my thugs and wrapped them around his waist as he pushed me against the shower wall. He made his way inside me and started off slow then started to pick up the pace.

"Oh duff! Faster oh god!" I yelled/moaned.

"Ugh you feel so good." Duff groaned as he started to go faster.

"I love you so much baby." Duff said as he kissed my neck, as we both came.

"I love you to." I said out of breath.

I'm back guys! I'm sorry I took so long to update I had a bit of writers block and had to get adjusted to school! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's kinda off but expect more updates soon! Love you all.


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