Party pt.2

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Duffs pov

We arrived at the party and it was packed as hell, I didn't think this many people would be here to be honest. Some security dude opened the car and took us through the doors. There was people screaming everywhere, I'm guessing they were fans. I held on to Ann as close as I could. Slash said Freddie Mercury might come but I highly doubted that.
The security guard led us to a private room were we all sat down to take a breather.

"Damn man, I didn't think this many people would be here." All said in disbelief.

"Imagine later on." I said.

"Man were gonna have a great fucking time, were ALL gonna have a great fucking time!" Slash yelled pouring some whiskey in a glass.
I looked to Ann who was sitting with Lila across me. She looked so damn good, I couldn't wait to rip that damn dress off her.

"So when do you guys wanna head out?" Izzy asked.

"Well they said they were gonna announce us in or some shit like that so were gonna be here awhile." Axl said.

"Well shit" Steven said grabbing a beer from the cooler.
Everyone had drinks in there hand except me since there wasn't any god damn vodka. Alexandria came and sat on top of me. She smiled and Kaye's her head on mine. She had her legs crossed which allowed her dress to show what I wanted to see. Her boobs were next to my face making me need her more than I thought I did. I put my hand on her thigh moving it back and forth. She kissed my cheek, and made her way to my lips. Before I knew it we were having a very heated make out session. Before we got interrupted.

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm proud to introduce to you the most ass kicking guys I know Guns n' Roses!"

We all quickly looked at each other gathering our selves and slowly walking out to what seemed like a thousand people clapping and cheering for us. I put my arm around Ann's waist and kissed her temple. As we walked to our table Steven and slash chest bumped each other while we just laughed completely forgetting everyone in the crowd. We sat down and everyone did the same. I looked around and saw a few people I knew. Sebastian Bach, Steven Tyler, Joe perry, Nikki Sixx, Alice cooper and holy shit Freddie Mercury and Brian May. Slash was not fucking with me when he said Freddie Mercury was coming.


Alexandria's pov

There was a lot of people here to honor the guys album release. I was surprised we could share enough oxygen. I saw a lot of famous people here. I looked to duff who had finally had gotten his hands on a glass of vodka. He looked back at me.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked puzzled.

"Nothing I'm just proud of you that's all" I said kissing him. He put his hand on my thigh sending shivers through out my body. We talked to everyone at our table which was just the guys and Lila. We had all decided to go talk to everyone else at the party. Axl went with Lola to go say hi to Nikki Sixx, slash izzy and Steven went to go have a drink with Steven Tyler and Joe perry. While me and duff had gone to the bar to get another drink.

"I'll be right back babe, need to go to the restroom." Duff Said pecking my lips.
I turned to face the crowd of people to see Sebastian Bach coming my way. I didn't know what to do I was kinda nervous to be honest I had never met many famous people.

"Hi beautiful, I'm guessing your duffs lover?" He said sitting next to me at the bar.

"Girlfriend actually." I said taking a sip of my drink.

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