Im sorry

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Duffs pov

I woke up with s huge hangover and my body hurt basically everywhere, even my dick hurt...

I looked to my side and realized Ann wasn't here. Memories from last night flooded through my head.

Oh my god, what did I do. The one thing I never wanted to do to her I did and now she's gone and I have nothing. I looked around the room and saw the closet and drawers open, clothes on the floor and all of her stuff gone.
I really fucked up and I couldn't go back.
I got up almost falling from how sore I was but pushed through. I went downstairs and saw the guys sitting in the living room talking but they all went silent when they saw me.

"Good morning fuck up" axl said as he crossed his arms.

"Where is she?"

"Who the blonde or your ex?" Izzy said as he looked at me in disgust.

"I SAID WHERE IS SHE!" I fell to the floor shaking as I started to cry uncontrollably.

"Just tell me where she is" I said as my voiced cracked.

"She left man, she left because she knew that she couldn't look at you the same after what you did." Steven said calmly.

"No, no, no, no I need her, I need her, I-I ca-"

"Well to bad duff you fucked this up yourself." Slash said as he got up and went upstairs.

I layer there on the floor hurting everywhere especially in my heart.

Axl walked up to me and helped me up as Izzy and Steven left into the kitchen.

"Come on you dumb fuck." Axl said as he took me upstairs into my bedroom.  A place I didn't want to be.

"Listen man, I know how you feel but you gotta realize that you fucked up, you just have to give her time. On the bright side she said the she still loves you.  And hey me and the guys are going to the rainbow later and I think it'll be good if you just relax a little bit.  Of course no drugs cause that's what got you in this fucked up situation but still just try to relax okay man?" Axl said as he got some clothes for me and threw them on the bed.

"Don't stress to much man, if two people are meant to be together they'll find there way back to one another" axl said as he left the room.

Alexandria pov

"Thanks again Lila"

"I'm really sorry Alex, did you at least get to tell him?"

"No the only person I told was slash and the guys but it's still not duff." I said looking down at my coffee.

"How many weeks are you?"

"Well I'm guessing I'm about 6 since I was supposed to get my period last month."

"Don't worry everything's gonna be fine."
"I'm gonna go to the rainbow later you don't mind do you?" Lila said.

"No of course not Li, just call me if you need anything." I said smiling.

It had already been a few hours since Lila went to the rainbow and I was just really worried about her so I decided to go and see if she was okay and plus I needed to be around a happy crowd instead of being alone.

Duffs pov
I sat in the booth smoking a cigarette, I didn't wanna be here this was the last place I wanted to be at I just wanted to be with Ann.

I got up to go to the restroom and bumped into someone.
"Oh uh sorry" the girl said looking down. I looked back and grabbed that girls arm and looked at her wrist seeing the tattoo that Ann had. I looked up into those blue green eyes I had been wanting to look into.

"Alexandria!" I said as my heart vested faster.

"Duff let go of me." She tried to get out of my embrace but I was to strong for her thankfully.

"Please Ann lets just talk please." I said as she finally stopped struggling and followed me outside.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry please just please try to forgive me this one time, I promise, I promise you I'll never ever lay s hand on anyone else but you, please Ann I love you." I said as I started to tear up.

"You should've thought about that before duff."

"Please Ann just ple-"

"Stop duff just stop! Okay, I just can't do this anymore. " she started to tear up and that broke my heart even more.

"Just tell me one thing please." I said pulling myself together.


"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do duff, I have always loved you, my love for you grows more everyday if it's even possible to love someone that much. I love you so much it kills me. "

"Then that's all we need I love you and you love me we can work from there we can fix this, I can fix this just give me a chance."

"Duff I just don't think your ready anymore, I'm pregnant duff and your gonna be a father and the way you were yesterday I don't want my child, OUR child to be around that."

My heart sank to my stomach and I had this warm feeling take over my body as I also got chills.  I was going to be a father and the love of my life was carrying our child.

"What? I'm gonna be a dad!" I said as I said excitedly.

"Oh my god I'm gonna be a dad!" I said as I hugged Ann as I tight as I could, and this time she hugged me back.

"Well at least that's good news for both of us." Ann said smiling the brightest smile I had seen just like the first and all the times after that.  I just smiled right back as I can see the love in her eyes but I know she refused, and I understood why.

"Ann I love you and I know that doesn't show or give you enough to know or trust me right now but I promise that I'll earn it from you if you just give me one more chance for me and for our baby. Please Ann I love you so much please." I said as I held both of her hands.

She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and then on the lips.

"Let's go home." She said as we walked to the parking lot.

"Let me drive babe." I said as I got in the drivers seat.  I started the car and started to head for home.

I got her hand and held it as I drove to a green light.

"DUFF!" I heard Ann yell I looked to my right and then quickly to my left but it was to late.
I saw another car driving at full speed towards us, and then everything went black.

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