The new 'it' girl

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Alexandria's Pov

After me and duff got back from what seemed like a dream we returned to reality. When we arrived at the guys house it was absolutely trashed. There was drugs everywhere, pizza boxes with small writing on them, and what looked like a mixture of barbecue and ketchup thrown on the walls. I started to feel and urge to just snatch all of the drugs from their hands and keep them for myself, but instead I ran into the room leaving duff confused and angry at the guys. I didn't see axl maybe he was in his room? The rest of the 'pack had all kinds of girls clinging to them. Duff came in a few minutes later sitting on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. I changed into my pajamas quickly, and sat down on the ground were he was sitting.
I grabbed his hands and put them into mine.
"Duff, are you okay?"
"I didn't know you did drugs?" He said looking at me in disbelief.
"Well I did, but I'm trying to quit it's just hard for me with you know having them around me so often." I said looking down.
"You could've told me, I would have helped you." He said lifting my face up to look at him.
"Duff, Im glad you'd wanna help, but how are you gonna help me when you do drugs yourself" I said standing up.
"You know I'm just trying to help, okay if you didn't want my fucking help you could have gave me a simple no." He snapped.
I didn't reply because I knew if I'd say anything back he'd probably get angrier.
I got in the bed quietly while duff was in the restroom. Everything went from good to bad in just a matter of minutes. It's funny how life will do that without a warning. As I started to fall asleep I felt the bed dip on duffs side.

(Next day)

I woke up trying to feel duffs side of the bed to only find him not being there. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth ignoring my morning shower. I went to the living room and saw all of the guys and even Lila sitting down smoking cigarettes, and talking.
"Well, good morning mother" slash said smirking evilly. I stuck up my middle finger at him.
"Fuck off" I said not in the mood.
"Mother hen and papa hen over here are grumpy today I wonder why?" Axl said looking at the ceiling for particularly no reason. I looked at duff who was trying to avoid most contact with me. Tough love I guess. I went into the kitchen looking through the fridge and pantry to see what there was to make breakfast.
I was about to ask the guys what they'd like to eat when the phone started ringing. I went to go answer it causing all eyes to go on me from the living room.
"Hello?" I asked
"Alexandria! It's Rickey, darling Im calling to see if you still wanted that modeling job. I've got an offering for a magazine cover shoot"
"How'd you get this number?"
"Oh darling it was such a struggle asking people from club to club, until a little groupie gave me this number."
"Oh um, well yes I'd like to take the job!" I said excitedly.
"Fantastic! I need you to be here at six o clock"
"Okay, what's the address?" I asked getting a pen that was on the floor.
I wrote it down and hung up the phone.
"Who was it, was it this girl named Jackie? Cause if it was tell her I'm not here" slash said.
"No it wasn't Jackie it was Rickey and he called and said they wanted to do a magazine cover, so he gave me the job!" I said jumping up and down.
"Are you serious!" Duff said getting up and running to me and holding my sides.
"Yes!" I said holding his shoulders. He lifted me off of my feet and spun me around.
"That's amazing, listen about yesterd-"
"Don't worry about it" I said kissing him.

"Well mom and dad decided to make up finally" izzy said.
"By the way Steven told him not me"
"Hey you dumb fuck, I was drunk the truth comes out when your drunk!" Steven said raising his arms up, and pointing his right had to izzy.
"You're lucky I'm not gonna whoop your ass Adler" I said pointing at him.
"When do you have to be at the studio," Lila asked
"Six" I said hugging duff.
"Well try to get her early, cause we've got to celebrate!" Axl said smirking at me.
"Do you guys wanna come with me?" I asked.
"Sure it'd be cool" slash said getting up to get a beer from the fridge.
"So Alex, Lila told me you have good taste in most anything, and since we're getting a bit more money now, we'd like to buy a new house" Axl said lighting a cigarette.
"Ooh house shopping I'm in!" I said excitedly.
"Great!" He said taking another drag from his cigarette.
I looked at the time and it was three thirty.
"Guys you need to be ready by four thirty okay?" I said running to duffs room.
"Where are we going?" I heard Steven say confused.
"You pin head!" Duff said.
I was looking for something to wear, when I found a simple outfit. Black jeans, a white crop top and my leather jacket with boots. As I started to undress myself form my pajamas duff came in.
"Hey" I said putting on my shirt.
"Babe, I wanna apologize for being a jerk ye-"
"Duff, I said it was fine" I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and stared down at me.
"No it's not okay, I wanna make it up to you." I put my hands to his checks, and brought his face to mine.
"You already are" I said as I kissed him.


Duffs Pov

The guys and Lila were ready an hour before we had to be at the studio. We went in my car of course. We were on our way to the studio when the guys started asking Alexandria some weird questions.
"So Alex, what's your last name?" Slash asked.
"Um Hardy, it's French"
"When's your birthday?" Izzy asked
"May twenty fourth"
"How many teeth do you have, do you like snakes" slash asked
"You don't have to answer that" I said to alexandria.
"It's okay. Well I think I have an average amount and yes I love snakes!"
"We're here!" I said talking over there conversation.
"It's bigger than I thought, I'm really nervous"
"Don't be Alex, I'm sure you'll do fantastic" Steven said putting his hand on Alexandria's shoulder.
"Thank you for coming guys it means a lot."
"No problem that's what Friends are for" Axl said looking up at the building.
We went inside and found Rickey sitting in a couch talking to a worker in guessing.
"Alexandria darling! Your here! And you brought the guns with you I see" he said hugging her.
"Um yes I hope you don't mind." She said putting a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Not at all maybe we can interview them after all rolling stone does need more stories for the magazine."
"Wait you didn't tell me you got me for rolling stone?" Alexandria said excitedly.
"I didn't think it'd matter, darling your going to be the new it girl, I'm sure of it!"
Rickey said guiding us through the studio.

Alexandria's Pov

I can't believe I'm going to be in the Rolling Stones magazine.
"Rickey I don't know how to repay you!"
I said hugging him.
"Darling just call me your manager of agent"
"I'll think about alright"
"Now let's get you the dressing room" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the dressing room.
The guys seemed to have a good time being there. They practically are the whole snack bar the minute we got there. Lila and axl seemed to really hit it off and I was happy for her, they seemed to really like each other. Duff came into the dressing room while they were teasing my hair. He sat down next to me.
"What up?" I said grabbing his hand.
"Just wanted to see you, I missed you that's all" I smiled at him.
"I missed you to I said leaning in to kiss him.
"Alexandria honey we need to get you fitted into your wardrobe." Rickey said on the other side of the room.
"They interviewed us you know?" Duff said.
"Really? That's great!"
"Yea, we can get a lot of publicity with this"
"Good you guys deserve it, you guys deserve it all" I said to him holding his hand.
"You better go get dressed babe, love you" he said kissing my forehead.
"Love you to"

I was wearing a white kimono like thing. I looked pretty hot.
"Okay Alexandria, come with me and we'll start taking some pictures"
The guys and Lila were sitting on the couch talking to each other on the other side of the room. Duff just looked at me with his loving hazel eyes that I could stare into for eternity.
"Okay love give a pout" the English photographer asked.
"Okay now put your hand on your hip, and give me an innocent look"
After about an hour of posing, my arms hurt. I had taken some shots with Lila and of course the guys. It turns out that duff has a mystery lover, and that lover was me. I liked it it felt like it was out secret, even though I wanted it to be out in the open, I liked it being kept secret despite the guys and Lila knowing. I felt like a teenager again sneaking around.
We got back home exhausted from basically sitting and standing around all day.
"Well shit I guess we won't celebrate" Axl said going to his bedroom.
"We'll celebrate another time Alex I'm tired as hell" slash said. All the guys went to there room and Lila went to axl's room. Me and duff stayed in the living room.
"Duff?" I asked curling up to him.
"Are you going to leave me?" I asked feeling smaller and smaller as the seconds went by.
"Of course not, why would you say that?"
"I just, I know you guys are going to be bigger than you are at the moment, and you guys would possibly start touring"
"Then I want you to come with me as my girlfriend"
"It's not that easy du-"
"Yes it is, it's only hard if you make it hard" duff said kissing my forehead.
"As your girlfriend?" I asked smiling to myself.
"Yea as my girlfriend."

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