Moving in

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Duffs Pov

"Hey duff are you almost ready? We need to go finalize some papers and shit." Axl said behind the bathroom door.

"Um yea man hold on." I said putting on my leather pants and a random shirt on the floor. I got out of the restroom headed to my room. I opened the door and saw that Alexandria was still asleep.
I went to my desk and tried looking for a paper. I got a pen and wrote her a note. I put it on the nightstand and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Alright, let's go." I said walking in to the living room, to see the guys waiting.


Alexandria's Pov

I groaned as I got a pillow and put over my face trying to block the sun from my eyes. After awhile I adjusted and looked to my side to see duff wasn't there. I got up and looked around seeing there was a note on the nightstand, I picked it up and read it.

"Sorry babe, didn't wanna wake ya. I'm with the guys finalizing things for that house we wanted a while back. Anyways see ya later. Love you.


I put the note back down and sighed as I got up and went to the restroom to do my usual morning crap. After that I went to the living room and saw a ton of toilet paper and pieces of cardboard with what I'm guessing was some new music the guys were working on. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see beer, vodka, some whiskey and more beer. I sat down on one of the dining chairs and waited for what seemed like years. When unexpectedly the phone rang.



"Oh hey Alex, what's up"

"Well nothing actually, hey why are you calling here anyway?" I said knowing exactly why she called.

"Well.... Um just wanted to talk to someone."

"Axl, you wanted to talk to axl."

"Ugh yes I did, where is he?"

"I'm guessing he's with duff they went out for the house."

"Ooo so there getting a new house?"

"Yes Lila, there getting a new house."

"Is duff gonna ask you to, you know move in?"

"Lila I don't know, listen I have to go bye!"

I said as I hung up the telephone not wanting to answer her endless amount of questions.

Duffs Pov

"Alright so I need you guys to sign here and here."
We all signed are names were the guy asked us to.

"Okay that'll be it congratulations on your new home!" And with that the guy left leaving us to explore our new house.
We all looked at each other in excitement.

"I CALL THE BIGGEST ROOM!" Steven said running upstairs.

"NOT IF I CALL IT FIRST!" Axl said running after him.
What they didn't know was that I had locked the biggest room, so they wouldn't be able to get in except for me since I had the key.
Slash was sitting outside on the porch looking out to the few acres we had, and izzy, well I don't really know we're izzy went. I walked around the house picturing what would and could be in it. We had a some furniture in it mainly the bedrooms but not the main ones.

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