Jc- 🚤Boating with the boys🚤

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I was currently sat at my desk in me and Jc's room editing for Jc I was Jc's editor and his lover All I do is edit his video's but keep them in a folder so he can look them over and upload them.

Hearing a knock on the door Come in -I said it was Ryan Hey Ryan what's up -I said facing him Hey I got you starbuck's your usual order and Jc said he is on the way to pick you up he said you weren't answering -Ryan said Oh thank you so much yeh sorry about that I was editing -I said All good here you go -He said passing me a chocolate frappuchino and a chocolate cake pop with a tomato, ham, cheese toastie.

Ryan left and I started eating while finishing editing feeling arm's wrap my waist Hey bebe -He said Hello love -I said turning my head to see him You ready -He said Yeh just finished editing I also packed the snack's and drink's -I said Thank you baby -He said No problem can't wait to go overboard -I said Haha bebe I won't do that to you -He said.

We were now in the tesla driving to the ocean with the boy's I would drive home as the boy's would drink we arrived and got out of the car.

Jc went and talked with the man of the boat while me and the boy's loaded the boat with our thing's I sat down on the front of the boat holding chat looking at the ocean.

Hey chat what's up -I said they all spawned with where's Jc or Hey Y/n Jc is currently talking to the owner of the boat I'll pass ya'll to Reggie -I said standing up Hey reggie here's chat -I said passing it to him.

Me and the boys were watching Jc devonte had the chat Alright chat were aloud to go 40 but we have to go through the bay then turn and go under the bridge -Jc said.

We were about to exit the bay so I stood up to get a drink and Jc revved and I flew backward's into the backseat Oww -I said laughing Jc you motherfucker you neally killed your girlfriend -Danny said.

Jc turned around and saw me laughing but holding my back Sorry bebe you alright -He said Uh yeh just uh got a broken back -I said the boys laughed.

We are now in the middle of the ocean after a few bumpy wave's, me nearly going over board but the boy's saved me, Jc not being able to determine which speed he wanted to go.

Jc did you get me dorito's -Danny asked No I didn't when you ask -Jc said I said it 5 time's in the group -Danny said Oh I didn't see it -Jc said Don't worry Danny I actually read your message and bought 2 party size's for you their in the blue bag behind you -I said See Jc she actually care's about me thank you Y/n -Danny said No problem and Reggie I got your Dr Pepper -I said Fuck yes thank you -Reggie said No problem -I said.

We have now just arrived back in the bay Danny is driving Jc and I are cuddled up watching the view Jc I'm near the wharf you driving -Danny asked Yeh hold up -Jc said Jc sat up and kissed my forehead as he thought I was asleep my eye's were closed but they needed to rest.

We arrived at the wharf and I was awake now gathering everything I got off the boat and walked to the car I realised I needed Jc's hand for the car or his phone.

So I walked over to Jc Hold on I'm sorry he will be right back -I said Grabbing Jc's arm and pulling him to the Tesla I put his hand on the door and it unlocked Thank you -I said He started wheezing in laughter.

I loaded the car up and got in the driver seat playing some 1975 I started singing under my breath and waited for the boy's to hop in the car.

The boy's all hopped in and I got to driving Do any of you want food -I said Yeh -Reggie said What do you want Mcdonald's, Kfc, Taco bell, Chick Fil A -I said They all came to a sense and wanted Chick fil a.

I drove into the chick fil a Drive thru lane and waited for my turn. After ordering I drove to the window and paid then Jc stopped talking to me because I paid.

Jc whoever is in the driver seat pay's ok that's my rule and you know that -I said laughing at him I got the food and passed it to the boy's only ordering a coke for myself.

We arrived home and the boy's all left to go home while me and Jc walked in the house and Barrie and Bambi ran upto us I sat on the floor and played with them Hello my Baby's -I said You ready for bed -I said standing up and walking into the bedroom with the dog's.

The End.

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