(REQUESTED)- Crawford Collins

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Requested By: shelbygardner_

Baby wake up we got a flight to catch -Crawford whispered in my ear Mhm I rolled over Morning -He said as I opened my eye's Morning Crawf -I said hugging him He pecked my lip's

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Baby wake up we got a flight to catch -Crawford whispered in my ear Mhm I rolled over Morning -He said as I opened my eye's Morning Crawf -I said hugging him He pecked my lip's.

Baby wake up we got a flight to catch -Crawford whispered in my ear Mhm I rolled over Morning -He said as I opened my eye's Morning Crawf -I said hugging him He pecked my lip's

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Getting out of bed I had a quick shower an got changed. Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed my backpack an phone.

Today me an Crawford would fly to Calgary, Canada to spend time with Crawf's family we would be their for a week so Jc was looking after me an Crawf's dog Coco.

Walking out of the room I saw Crawf Ready babe -He said Yep -I said as we walked out of the house after putting Coco in Jc's room.

Hopping in Crawford's car after loading it I put the heater on as it was 4am an it was freezing cold Crawford got in the car an we got to driving.

Arriving at the airport we got out of the car an got our luggage. Walking into the Airport we scanned our passport's an loaded our luggage into the luggage tunnel.

Walking onto the plane I sat next to Crawf an he grabbed my hand as I have bad plane anxiety laying my head on his shoulder everything will be okay bub -He said.

Touching down in Canada I got my backpack from the luggage storage on top of my seat. Putting it on my back I walked down the aisle an thanked the attendant's.

Grabbing our luggage we walked out of the airport an saw Chris it was now 8am. I hugged Chris an hopped in the car as we got to small talk.

Arriving at Crawford's parent's house we got all our stuff out of the car an walked inside Stacey saw me enter Hello sweetie -she said hugging me Hey Stacey how are you -I said I'm great you -She said Amazing but tired -I said Yeh well you an Crawf can sleep all day today as we will start the fun tomorrow -She said That sound's amazing -I said.

Me an Crawf walked upstair's with our stuff an quickly unpacked I took my shoe's off an slipped into the bed an let out a breath.

Crawford climbed in next to me Ready for the week babe -He said cuddling me Yes an sleep -I said putting my head in his neck closing my eye's.

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